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Pandan Buns...香兰面包

Hi Hi everyone, Hope that you are having a great week ahead.
Do you still remember this Kopitiam milk buns....
With a little tweak you can have the same soft and nice texture buns but with another flavour. Today i am going to share a pandan flavour kopitiam buns. 

Nice and soft buns are ready for tea break!! These buns are so good to go with any spread or you can even have it on it own. YUM!!

     Pandan buns (香兰面包)
           adapted from my pervious kopitiam milk bun... here
        * makes 12 buns 

        **Ingredients for overnight sponge dough:
         215g high protein or bread flour
         125g plain water (cold)
         2g instant yeast (1/2 teaspoon)
        To do:
  • Add all the ingredients in a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients to a rough dough by hands, Do not need to knead till smooth. Cover with cling film and immediately store in the fridge for overnight. (at least 12 hours)
    To prepare the buns:
    **1 quantity of above overnight sponge dough
    90g high protein flour
    30g egg (1/2 large egg)
    4g instant yeast (1/2 teaspoon)
    3g fine salt (1/2 teaspoon)
    60g sugar (i used 50g)
    45g butter (room temperature)
    1 Tablespoon concentrated pandan juice (cold)
    ( will share how i get the concentrate pandan juice in the coming post)
    To Do:
  • Tear the overnight sponge dough into pieces and add all ingredients except butter into the mixing bowl, knead till smooth dough.
  • Add in butter and knead until smooth and elastic. Cover with cling flim and set aside to proof till double in size (about 40 minutes)
  • Punch down the dough to expel air, equal divide the dought to 12 portions @ 50g each, shape into round balls. Place dough in a greased rectangle pan. Let it proof for  another 45 minutes or until  double its size.
 Punch down the dough to expel air from the dough. Divide it into 12 portions. Weight it into 50 gm per portion.

Roll it round then place it into a greased rectangle baking pan. (mine was 22.5cm width x 27cm lenght and 6cm depth) Put them a little bit far apart.
The round dough will stick to each other after proofing.

  • Bake at pre-heated oven at 170C for 20 minutes on low rack.
  • Tilt the buns out of the baking pan once it is out of the oven.
These pandan buns are soft and cottonny ..haha texture just like a cotton ball!!
Would you like to have a piece for tea?? ^_^
I am going to have mine with some homemade kaya made with the mircowave oven!!!
It is fast and fuss free..want try making your own too??
(will share the homemade kaya, the mircowave oven way soon!!!)

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (June 2014, Butter) organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and me, my little favourite DIY, hosted by Jozelyn from Spice Up My Kitchen. Please link your post HERE!!


Little Thumbs Up (June)
Theme - BUTTER

Please join us!! To join, simply cook or bake any recipe with the theme of the month which is BUTTER for May 2014 and link with us at this post anytime until 30th June 2014.   
Don't forget your thumbs up or display Little Thumb Up badge! Do make sure your post must be a current post peferably within this month. Please also mention Little Thumbs Up in your post and link back to Bake for Happy Kids, my little favourite DIY or/and Jozelyn from Spice Up My Kitchen For more detail, please see this
Next in July we are having our hostess, Jasline from Foodie Baker and her theme "POTATO" ! Let us cook and bake and have fun together in this event. Everybody put your thumbs up!!

欢迎大家参与。参与的方法很简单,您只需要准备一道跟本月主题“奶油、牛油”有关系就可以参与了.  请用上'小拇子的标签!切记您的贴子必需是本月的新作品噢!也请把您的贴link回到Bake for Happy Kids, my little favourite DIYJozelyn来自Spice Up My Kitchen.

接下来的7月份我们的主持是Jasline来自Foodie Baker,她的主题是"馬鈴薯/土豆"


  1. Such nice texture in there... You can bag and sell these easily Mui!

  2. 喜欢最后第二张照片,看了就想咬一口。

  3. Mmmm...your pandan buns look soooo.. pretty with that nice golden brown. :D

  4. 有拉丝的 pandan kopitiam milk bun,好香哦!

  5. Nice cottony soft KPT milk buns, I 've yet to try buns using overnight dough, shall try this one day!

  6. I already bookmarked this. It look so fluffy and soft. Love the nice even smooth top :)

  7. I want too....!!! These KPT buns r definitely looking delish...microwave kaya...tats interesting...

  8. Salute you, i opp with you, my bread all buy from outside...

  9. mui mui, I am coming over for tea. Please bake double portions hee..hee..

  10. 太赞了。


  11. 好漂亮的面包,看了就想咬一口呢!

  12. Wow! Your buns are going to float away soon, they look so soft and light! I want to try this too:D

  13. 这些小面包烤得真的很均匀,漂亮极了

  14. I thought these buns are from the bakery. So well done. Fluffy, soft and moist. My hubby can have these buns for breakfast and supper, hehehe!

  15. Howdy Mui Mui ! Gosh, how I love your little buns crust. Looks so even & beautiful. Hope I can have more time for this... I mean baking. Life has been hectic eversince my FIL passing. Wish I can have more time to visit.
    Blessings, Kristy

  16. Looks so soft and delicious! Very beautifully made! Kids love these soft buns. I'd love to try pandan version!

  17. Hi Doreen,

    Your pandan buns look wonderful... I know that both my big and little men will love these :D


  18. Hi Mui Mui, my goodness! I can have this pandan buns everyday for breakfast, tea time and even supper! They do look very soft and the fragrant of the pandan is already making my stomach crying to be filled! Tempting and irresistible! Have a wonderful day and warmest regards :)

  19. 看得出真的很软、很软也很赞。

  20. Yeah, Mui Mui, still remember this kopitiam bread rolls! I like to see them puffed up so beautiful after the final proofing.

  21. I have been long time did not make this buns again, as now I prefer direct method like the Champion toast, hehehe..

  22. Hi, may I know how to test is it well cook?? It my 1st time baked kinda nervous.

  23. How do make the concentrated pandan juice?

    1. Hi anonymous,
      May I know your name please?
      I will share about how to get concentrated pandan paste soon. You can check out from my blog soon. Thanks :)


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