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Shark Fin Dumpling ~鱼翅饺

This Shark Fin Dumpling (yu chi gow), is one of my favorite dumpling. Although it is named Shark Fin Dumpling, but they contain no actual shark fin in it. Some say the look and shape of the dumpling does look like shark fin and other do include in imitation shark fin, though. I am lucky to have spotted this long hibernating in the book shelf chinese dim sum book ‘香港地道小吃’ translated as 'Hong Kong Authentic Tapas'

Well, Do, you find this look like Shark's Fin??

Filling for the ingredients are prawn, mince meat, carrot, yam bean and black fungus.
Get ready the filling and the wanton wrappers.
This is the parade of my Shark's Fin dumpling ... lol
Homemade parchment paper liner.
Arrange them neatly into the bamboo steamer.
HOT! HOT! From the steamer!!
Loaded with filling ..YUM!

Shark Fin Dumpling (yu chi gow)
(Scallop dumpling /Cilantro dumpling - depends which filling you using)
Recipe adapted from  ‘香港地道小吃’书, 李柏添 (this book is in chinese and i translate it as 'Hong Kong Authentic Tapas' with my modification in blue
Yields 20 big ones or 30 small ones 

Ingredients for the filling:
 200gms mince meat (i used 30% fat)
100gms yam bean, cut into match size
100gms carrot, cut into match size
100gms black fungus- washed, soaked and shredded (i used 50gms only) 
20gms scallop (i used 30gms prawn - cubed) 

1 tsp salt
1 tsp msg ( i omitted)
 2 tsp sugar (i used brown sugar)
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp pepper
1 Tbsp tapioca flour

20-30 pieces of round wantan skin

To Do:
1. Add mince meat into the mixing bowl, add in all the seasoning and mixed well.
2. Add in yam bean, carrot, black fungus and mixed well.
3. Wrap a tablespoon of the filling with a piece of wantan skin. Apply half moon of the wantan skin with some water and sealed. Pleat the end like a pleated dress.
4. Place into a lined bamboo steamer and steam over high heat for 7 minutes.

Tips: Spray some water onto the dumplings before steaming to prevent wantan skin from drying or hard.

干贝角/香菜角 (鱼翅饺)
食谱分享来自‘香港地道小吃’书, 李柏添 (蓝字是各人做了小调整)
分量 大粒 20 或 小粒30
200克 纹肉 (我用30/70比例;肥肉和瘦肉)
100克 洋地瓜,切丝
100克 胡萝卜, 切丝
100克 黑木耳,切丝 (我用50克)
20克 熟干贝 (我没干贝,就用30克鲜虾,拍扁,切丁)
1 小匙 盐
1 小匙 味素(我没加)
2 小匙 砂糖 (我用黄糖)
1 小匙 麻油
1 小匙 胡椒粉
1 大匙 太白粉
1。 把纹肉放入盆内,加入调味料和虾拌均匀。
2。 加入,胡萝卜,洋地瓜和黑木耳丝,拌均匀。
3。 用馄饨皮将肉馅包入,封口摸上少许的水。封口的地方折成像白摺裙的样子。
4。 放入蒸笼,蒸7分钟。

I'm submitting this post to the Best Recipes for Everyone ~ August 2015 
Event Theme : Dim Sum
 organized by Fion of XuanHom's Mom and co-hosted by May of 厨苑食谱

also linked to Little Thumbs Up event hosted by
Jess from Bakericious
with her August 2015 theme - Brown Sugar
organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and myself, my little favourite DIY
Please link your post - here

Little Thumbs Up event for this moth starts on 3rd August until the last day of the month.   
All are welcome to join us.
To join simply cook or bake any recipe with the theme of the month, which is Brown Sugar for  2015 August. Do display this Little Thumbs Up badge and make sure that:
1) Your post must be a current post, preferably within this month
2) Please mention Little Thumbs Up in your post and link back to Bake for Happy Kids
my little favourite DIY or/and Bakericious. For more details please see this


  1. 哇!!muimui 家的饺子包得太漂亮了!!

  2. 你的饺子包得很漂亮,滑滑又亮亮的,忍不住真想咬一口。

  3. Mui, 我来也。。。。你的巧手可真巧啊, 这饺子褶到太漂亮了, 每个都十分的均衡呢!
    100分的饺子, 让我看了好羡慕, 我要向你学功夫了!

  4. Hi Mui Mui,
    So yummy ... I like this dumpling too...
    After these Shark Fin Dumplings performed their parade. .. divert some to my house ... hee hee!

  5. This is one of my favourite foods...

  6. Mui Mui, your wrap till so nice, I wanna learn leh!!!1

  7. mui mui, I like the curly shape. Very pretty!

  8. 我也要学那鱼翅饺的褶法,太漂亮了。赞!

  9. Hi Doreen,

    These shark fin dumpling sound very luxurious! ... and look very yummy!


  10. Yum! These dumplings looks amazing!

  11. i like your parade of the dumplings! LOL! so pro looking and well made!


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