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Stone-fruit Lemon Yogurt Cake ~核果優格柠檬蛋糕

This is a light, soft and fluffy cake. I simply love the moist and soft texture and also the fruits on top. The sweetness is just nice and my youngest ask for more. 

Thanks to Honey Bee Sweet for sharing this awesome recipe. It is indeed a keeper.
谢谢Honey Bee Sweet她分享了这个超棒的食谱。


The method of making this cake is like normal butter cake but when it comes to baking it Bee uses steam bake method tp bake it. The steam bake method makes this cake moist, fluffy and light. My hubby even ask me 'Is this a bake cheesecake?' :D :D

Stone-fruit Lemon Yogurt Cake ~核果優格柠檬蛋糕
Recipe adapted from Honey Bee Sweet
Makes 1 8 inch by 3 inch round cake

225g cake flour
180g castor sugar
165g unsalted butter, room temperature
1.5g baking powder
3 large eggs
50g plain yogurt (i used plain Greek yogurt, added 1 tbsp of honey)
50ml buttermilk (i used 50ml milk, added 1 tsp of lemon juice, let it sit for 5 minutes)
Just of 1/2 fresh lemon 
Zest of 1 lemon
1/4 tsp salt
2 large sweet prunes, pitted and sliced into 8 wedges
3 small sugarplums, stoned and sliced into 8 wedges too
(Bee uses 1 large yellow peach/ 2 small doughnut peaches, pitted and sliced into 8 wedges
2 small sugarplums, pitted and sliced into 8 wedges)

To Do:
 Preheat oven to 160°C. Butter and line a round 8 inch cake pan with parchment paper and butter it again.

 Prepare water-bath in the oven. Wrapped the cake pan with strong foil so that it covers the bottom sides in one large piece before putting in the a roasting pan. This will protect the cheesecake from the water as it is cooked in its water bath. Filled the roasting pan with hot water about half way up but not overfill as it will difficult to lift up the tin.

In a mixing bowl, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after every addition.

Add in yogurt and buttermilk, stir until incorporated. Then add in lemon juice, lemon zest and mix well. Add in dlour, baking powder and salt, stir until just combine.

Pour the cake batter into prepared cake tin and lay the stone fruit wedges in a circular patter on top of the batter. (as Bee mentioned NO NEED to press the fruit down, as it will eventually sink in a little when baking.

Steam bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour or till the cake tester comes out clean.

Cool on rack before removing from the cake pan.

Note: Cake will deflate slightly when cooled, its normal.

 A delightful piece of cake to enjoy over a cup of warm tea ^_^

 Come!! Join me for tea~

 I am glad and honour to received this 'The Versatile Blogger' award from May
Thanks to May for sharing this award with me. She is a awesome blogger and she bakes and cooks very well. Please hop over to visit her.
I, too would like to share this joy and love to 10 other bloggers. I am going to share this award to 
Annie from my Bare Cupboard
Amelia from Amelia's Dessert
Cheah from No Frills Recipes
Esther from the FUSS FREE chef
Faeez from Bitter Sweet Spicy
Bee from Honey Bee Sweet
Joyce from Kitchen Flavours
Sharon from Delishar
Veronica from Minty's Kitchen
Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids

How i wish i can share to more fellow bloggers...but i can only share to 10,  because the rules is to pass on to 10 bloggers. :p

对我而言,所有的博客,个个都超棒又有才又有华 ^_^ ,这个奖,我只能分给10个。。多希望可以分给更多,无论如何我还是要一同和你们大家分享,呵呵。。。


  1. 嗨! Mui Mui,当我称呼你的名字时, 感觉很有亲切感! 嘻嘻。。
    恭喜恭喜你了, 这个奖项派给你可称得上是实至名归啊, 你也是那么的赞呀!
    这蛋糕看得我口水吞呀吞的, 再被你赞呀赞的, 我忍无可忍了! 哈哈哈。。。

    1. May, May,

  2. I have sweet tooth, i will loves it...

  3. What a lovely cake, I can sit down, have a cup of tea and finish the whole thing myself

  4. Congratulations on the awards!

    Hmm...yum yum~

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      How are you and family over there?
      Miss you! Haha!
      Oh yes, this is yum yum!!!

  5. Hi Mui Mui, this is such a lovely cake.
    You definitely deserve the award.
    Keep it up! :D

  6. 恭喜贺喜。。。你很棒!!

  7. Hi Doreen,

    Your yogurt cake is so smooth and velvety... Your youngest is very smart asking for more before it is all gone :D

    Thank you so much for the award. The award thingee is going to be "viral" again.... Geez!


    1. Hi Zoe,
      My youngest even ask to keep extra pieces in the fridge for the next day ..haha

  8. Congrats Mui Mui,
    You definitely deserved for the award.
    This is a lovely cake ... so smooth and soft. How I wished that I could join you for tea ... Thanks for sharing :D

    1. Thanks Karen.
      Oh please, come join me for tea!

  9. Dear Mui Mui, thanks so much for trying out my recipe! Am so glad you liked it too. ;)

    And thank you for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger awards! And congrats on the award too! ;)

    1. Hi Bee,
      Thanks for dropping by and thanks for sharing such fabulous recipes.
      You're welcome and you deserve this award.

  10. Congratulations on your nomination! :) This yogurt cake looks very delicious, I'll try out the steam-bake technique next time!

    1. Hi Jasline,
      Thanks spreading the award and love around blogosphere.
      Please do try the steam bake method, this result is awesome.

  11. Congratulations Doreen! You certainly deserve this award for your skill and creativity in your baking. And I have enjoyed some of your delicious bread and cakes recipes, thank you very much for your generosity in sharing.

    Thank you for nominated my blog for this same award. However Victoria has already nominated me earlier, can I be nominated twice? ;-)

    1. Hi Veronica,
      You are welcome. You are nominated twice, means you are really awesome. ;)
      Nominated worries, just continue share this award to other awesome bloggers like you :D
      Thank you for liking and trying my recipes.

  12. Hi Doreen,
    Your cake looks really yummy! With perfect crumb texture!
    Congratulations on your blogger award, and thanks a million for sharing it with me!
    Really appreciate it!

  13. Hi Mui Mui, congratulation on your versatile blogger award, you deserve this award. keep up the good job. Thank you very much for sharing with me, really appreciate it very much.

    Your cake look fantastic, very very nice texture. Would love to have a slice with coffee. :))

    Have a nice day, regards.


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