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Mixed Nuts Biscotti (意大利传统咖啡脆饼)

Hi there!! Christmas is 2 days away! Yay! Yay! Yay! (this is what my boys tell me today
Have you missed out someone whom you intend to send a Christmas gift?
Bake something as gifts! I believe the person will be overwhelming with joy to receive some home bake gifts. Why not try baking this biscotti?? Bake Along event is baking 'BISCOTTI' this time round. I am excited to jump on the wagon and bake along with Joyce from Kitchen Flavours and Lena from Frozen wings and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.


My youngest asked me..mum what is this??

Mum: Biscotti.

Youngest: it is so hard. Arrg!! (he was trying to have a big bite into the biscotti that i pass a piece  to him)

Mum: small bite at a time..Enjoy the nuts and the brittleness of the cookies..

Youngest: mum..why is this called BISCOTTIIII...(he pronounce the 'ti' sound long and loud ><)

Mum: Biscotti is the name for this cookie. It is oblong, thick, brittle (my youngest thinks it is hard) because it is designed to dip in coffee, cocoa or dessert wine. It is originally from Italy. Biscotti is a Latin term which means 'twice bake' It is the assembly of nuts and fruits that give it a moreish flavour!

Youngest: Oooo...nuts. I love pistachio!! that's why you bake it once, took out to slice and bake again .. right??

Mum: yes. 

Youngest: one more please.. i finish the piece you gave me :D mum, I love the nuts. Can you add cranberries in too??
Mum: :D :D will add cranberries in our next bake.

These is definitely moreish, so keep control of the cookie jar. My youngest(seanan) and eldest(shawn) ask for more the following day.

I choose to bake this Mixed Nuts Biscotti from Flavours magazine. Since i only have pistachio, cashew and pecan, i will use them to bake this biscotti.

Biscotti 是意大利传统咖啡脆饼。 传统是用杏仁豆烘至而成的脆饼。口感硬,脆,最常拿来点咖啡或热可可或甜酒。'Biscotti' 在意大利文是指‘两次烘焙’的意思。 Biscotti 和一般饼干的做法不同之外,首先把面团捏成长条状后,烤第一次。 取出待凉, 接着切成片(大约3mm至5mm厚)烤第二次。 烤成酥脆坚硬的饼干。这类饼干口感很硬,脆,越咬越爽,越咬越香! 里面有烤香的果仁,面团微甜,完全没油, 真是个健康又美味的小点心。非常适合下午茶 ,配上热可可或咖啡或茶是最好不过了!!

The cookie dough is quite sticky.

BEFORE (烘焙之前)    and     AFTER (烘焙之后)
 baked of the dough (log shape)

 i though it will be quite hard to slice the baked cookie dough into thin slices but it is not at all if you use a sharp serrated knife to slice.

起初还在想加了那末多豆豆在面团里。会不会很难切片呢? 豆豆会不会都掉完出来呢??不会嘢!豆豆都好好的粘在面团里。只需用一把锋利的锯牙刀把面团切片就行了。

Mixed Nuts Biscotti  (意大利传统咖啡脆饼)
Recipe apated from 'Flavours' (issue 2010, Nov)
below is my record for 1/2 of the recipe
makes 1 log, slice into 24 pieces.

100g egg whites
1/4 tsp salt
75g castor sugar
1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tbsp rum

flour mixture:
150g plain flour (sifted)
1 tsp baking powder (sifted)
100g whole almond with skin, toasted (i used pecan nuts)
100g hazelnuts without skin, toasted (i used cashew nuts)
100g pistachio nuts, toasted 

To do:  Whisk egg whites with salt in electric mixer until foamy. Gradually beat in sugar until glossy and stiff peaks form. (mine only can achieve soft peak form :( but my biscotti turn out fine. Turn to low speed and beat in egg yolks until combined.

Mix in vanilla extract and rum. Fold in flour mixture in three batches to form a sticky dough.

Shape the dough as desired. Biscotti can be small and round, oval-shaped or long and tapering for dunking into coffee. The classic style is to shape into logs. (I shaped mine into logs)

First baking: Place the shaped dough on a baking sheet lined with non-stick parchment. Bake in a preheated oven at 160C for 20-25 minutes or until dough is dry and firm. Rotate the tray halfway to ensure even baking.

Slicing: The log has to be cooled before slicing. This log has a fine-texture not too hard which can be slice thinly. (I slice mine into 3-5mm thick)

Second bake: Arrange the slices in a lined baking tray, in single layer. They can be packed tightly as the dough with not expand anymore. The second baking is done at 150C for about 25 minutes, turning half way through baking until the biscotti is dry and crispy.  

I'm linking this post to the event, Bake-Along #72: Theme - Biscotti organized by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours, Lena from Frozen Wings, and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.
Cook & Celebrate Christmas 2014 hosted by Bake For Happy KidsEat Your Heart Out and Domestic Goddess Wannabe.


and also linked to My Treasured Recipes - Ho! Ho! Ho! It's Christmas time organised by Ms B from Everybody Eats Well in Flanders and Charmaine from MiMi Bakery House.


  1. ooh, look at the bountiful of nuts in your biscotti! absolutely loving it///... can i hv a jar ^^

  2. Wow! Love these loaded with nuts nutty biscotti of yours !

  3. mui mui, I love your Biscotti as it has a lot of liew! I was quite worried to try biscotti because I am thinking they are hard (I am like your boy) and I might not like it. But I am going to try it as I see so many people baking biscotti!

  4. Hi Doreen,

    Your biscotti are so fully packed of nuts! They will be the greatest gifts for all nut lovers :D


  5. 咬下去有 kro kro 声音的饼干,很有口感。嘻嘻嘻 !!

  6. 我。。还在等。。怎么还没收到你的Biscotti 圣诞礼物呢! 嘻嘻。。

  7. 好多干果,一定很香。

  8. Wow! so much nuts! My favourite.
    Haven't made an attempt to bake biscotti, will defintely try this recipe!

  9. This could be an alternative to energy bars, full with nuts. Great!

  10. Mui mui,
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Your biscotti looks perfect, mine crumbled easily and I am too late to join the biscotti event (who ask me always last min post, haha).

  11. these biscottis are heavily loaded with nuts! they will be good for snacking too! merry christmas to you and your family!

  12. Hi Doreen I am so suffering from biscotti-envy!!!! <3

  13. Hi Doreen,
    Your nutty biscotti looks delish! I can just imagine having this with a cup of coffee.
    Thanks for baking along with us.
    Sorry for visiting you so late! :)


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