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Rainbow cheesecake .. 彩虹乳酪蛋糕

Aspiring Bakers is baking ombre/rainbow cake or dessert this month. I am making some cheesecake for a friend. This friend request that the cheesecake have to be in nice cups for good look and easy to indulge in. This rainbow idea come to me when i think of AB this month event. It is quite sad that this is the last event for Aspiring Bakers !! I love this event and i hope one day it will re-continue again!

After chilling in the fridge for 2 hours, (i chilled mine overnight)  just remove from the plastic cup and ENJOY!! 

Rainbow cheesecake! what do you think of the cheese cake in a cup??

Let's have a rainbow party now!! :D ;D 

Crumble the left over pieces of cake and sprinkle on top of the last layer of cheese to decorate the chessecake. 

Rainbow cheesecake
yield: about 10 square cups 
Recipe source: for the cheese layers adapted from kraft philadephia cream cheese pack of Toblerone chocolate cheesecake  ( recipe behind the pack)

500 g philadephia cream cheese (at room temperature)
3/4 cups castor sugar (i use 2 x 1/4 cups)
1/2 cup water
3 tsp gelatine powder (sprinkle onto the 1/2 cup water and let bloom, then zap in the mircowave for 30-40 second till gelatine dissolves)
1/2 cup whipping cream

To do:
Beat cream cheese until smooth. Add in sugar and cream till sugar dissolves.
Add in whipping cream then gelatine solution. (add in a little at a time to prevent it from splattering when creaming) mixed into a smooth cream. Side aside cover.

for the rainbow sheet cake adapted from yum yum magazine - volume 71
green tea and black sesame mousse cake - here

5 eggs
80 g castor sugar (i use 60g)
20 g ovalette (i use 2 tsp)
30 g milk (i use water)
120 g plain flour

70 g melted butter

To Do:
Add all the (A) ingredients into a clean mixing bowl and whisk on low for 2 minutes. Scrape the side of the mixing bowl if there some flour.

Turn to speed 5, (i am using KA stand mixer. If you are using a hand mixer, you may need to whisk a little bit long with high speed - about 6-8 minutes or the mixture looks thick) continue whisk for 4-5 minutes until mixture is thick and drop into a ribbon like mixture.

Turn mixer to speed 1 (lowest speed) slowly feed the melted butter from the side of the mixing bowl while beating. Stop beating once all butter are feed in. (there may be some melted butter along the side of the mixture bowl, just fold into the mixture with a big spatula. Do not overmix)

Divide mixture into 6 different bowls equally. about 105g a bowl. Add in 6 colours- red, yellow, orange, green, blue and purple. (i use natural colour extracts, expect blue-food colouring)   

Prepare 1, 9" x 12" x 1" baking tray. Greased and lined only the bottom. Add each bowl of coloured mixture into 6 difference pipping bag. Properly divided the tray into 6 long vertical strips (with my tray i am piping 2" wide vertical strips) Piped the first red mixture onto the tray, then the yellow, then the orange, then the green, then the blue and the last purple. The mixture might stick or run together that is fine.

 Bake in a preheated oven at 175 deg. C for 18 minutes. Cool the cake on a wire rack, covering it with a towel to prevent it from drying.

The square plastic mousse cup i am using is 7 cm top and bottom is 4.5 cm. When the cake is cool. Sliced the difference coloured strips out.

Cut a 4.5cm square cake from the red sponge cake. It is quite thick, slice into 2. Use 1 for each cup.
Cut a 4.9cm from yellow cake
Cut a 5.3cm from orange cake
Cut a 5.7cm from green cake
Cut a 6.1cm from blue cake
Cut a 6.5cm from purple cake

Assembling part:
Put a piece of red cake into the bottom of the square plastic mousse cup.
Add 1/2 tbsp of cream cheese mixture and level.
Put in the second piece, yellow cake onto the cream cheese mixture. Fit it neatly.
Add 1/2 tbsp of cream cheese mixture. (as you go higher up the cup goes larger and more cream cheese mixture needed to level the surface of the cake.)
Put in the third piece, orange cake.
Add 2/3 tbsp if cream cheese mixture
Put in the fourth piece, green cake.
Add 2/3 tbsp cream cheese mixture.
Put in the fifth piece, blue cake.
Add in 2/3 tbsp/a bit more cream cheese
Put in the last piece , purple cake..
Add in 2/3 tbsp cream cheese.
Ahh...Its Done.
There is pieces of trim coloured cake left. Just crumble them into crumbs and sprinkle on top of the last layer of cream cheese.

**there is quite a bit of working to assemble this rainbow cake but it is really fun. You will smile when it is done ^_^


I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #40: Rainbow and Ombre Party!!  (March '14) hosted by Cynthia from The Baking Biatch


  1. Wow !! ..I just loved your rainbow cheesecake..It looks so elegant & so delish...I really wished I could taste it....

  2. It sure looks beautiful with layers of different colours. Sure to make one beaming with wide eyes and smile on their face!!!

  3. Beautifully layered and coloured. Makes me happy!

  4. mui mui, your rainbow cheesecake can really cheer a person up! So pretty and so yummy!

  5. The cheese cake in cup looks so tempting to eat! Thank you very much for supporting AB! :)

  6. Wow! Nice colour rainbow cake! Yummy and fun to have them during party!Good job Mui mui :)

  7. Oooh, that rainbow cheese cake , i want it

  8. That is soooo pretty! Love the clear cups u use, can really show off the rainbow cheesecake.

  9. Hi Doreen,

    Your rainbow cake looks really good. Did you use the natural colouring to bake these? To create the most vibrant colour, I usually stick to the colouring gels. If the natural colouring works so well like yours, I think I might switch :D


  10. hi, mui mui... thanks for passing by my blog. i hate blogspot never give a notification when there's a replying text. rainbow cake i wanna try for so long. but when i thinking about coloring, i step back. any natural food coloring can u intro to me?

  11. Aw.... Mui, this is so lovely!!

  12. So gorgeous! I don't think I have the patience to do this!

  13. Oh, your rainbow cheesecake is so colourful & I like all the colours, the baby green, the baby pink, the yellow, the peach, the purple..oh, I just love every level of the cake.

  14. mui,这色彩看了心情都大好耶!嘻嘻♥

  15. 好漂亮的颜色,看了的确令人心旷神怡,吃了肯定飘上天空了咯。。。哈哈

  16. This look so colourful, I like it, and I bet your kids must love it!

  17. Wow, this is such a pretty rainbow cake!
    I would definitely smile if served a slice of your delightful cake!
    Great job!

  18. Love your nice and pastel colour of rainbow cheesecake, so you use the natural colouring right? hehehe..

  19. Nice and pretty colours! like it!

  20. Wow, this seem a lot of work for this colourful and pretty cake! I love the colours!

  21. Doreen , so pretty and time-consuming :D Your cheesecake will certainly put a smile on everyone's face !

  22. So cute with the rainbow colors Mui! Everyone would have loved this gorgeous tempting...:))

  23. Mui Mui, so pretty, I always love rainbow colors!

  24. Simply LOVE the pastel colors & the lovely texture of the cake . So pretty & SWEET ;)

  25. looks yum!


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