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Cream Cheese Brownies (Bake Along # 59) 芝士布朗尼

Bake Along #59 this round is baking 'Cream Cheese Brownies from 'How To Be A Domestic Goddess"  Nigella Lawson.

Baking this brownie is easy and  the method is straight forward. No beating or using the mixer at all. Just mix, stir and pour BUT this one is quite different. There is a step which is quite challenging that is adding the cream cheese part. I chilled the cream cheese before slicing it into thin pieces but my hands are too warm. The cream cheese become soft and its can't be slice so i had to flatten the cheese with my fingers. 

I would like to thank Joyce and Zoe for helping me out when i send SOS for help!! 
Hahaha!! you must be thinking what is the connection of baking with SOS..
Want to know why?? scroll down and  i will tell you why...:D

This Cream Cheese Brownies is so delicious till my youngest ask for more the second day..:p

I used unsweetened chocolate instead of bittersweet chocolate. At first I have not idea how to transform unsweetened chocolate into bittersweet chocolate. So i send out a watsapps to Zoe and a email to Joyce to call for help.. hahaha !! This is how my SOS is related to baking :p
Joyce suggest that i follow the amount of sugar in the recipe as mine is unsweetened chocolate and Zoe suggest i can sprinkle icing sugar on my brownies.. Yeah!! both suggestion works wonder.. Thanks again baking buddies ;)

Cream Cheese Brownies
(adapted from "How To Be A Domestic Goddess", Nigella Lawson)

4 ounces bittersweet chocolate (i used unsweetened chocolate)
1/2 cup unsalted butter
2 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
pinch of salt
7 ounces cold cream cheese

(9-inch square pan, greased and lined with parchment or wax paper)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Melt the chocolate and butter over medium-to-low heat in a heavy-based saucepan. 
(i melt my unsweetened chocolate and butter in the mircowave oven. I zap twice in the oven, first zap was 30 seconds and second zap was 15 seconds)
While you're waiting for it to melt, idly beat the eggs in a bowl with the sugar and vanilla.

Measure the flour into another bowl and add the salt. When the chocolate mixture has all but completely melted, take the pan off the heat. The bits of unmelted chocolate or butter will continue to dissolve if left. Leave for a bit longer to cool slightly before beating in the eggs and sugar. Finally, add the flour and beat until smooth. 

Pour half the mixture into the pan, slice the cream cheese as thinly as you can and top the brownie mixture in the pan with these thin slices. Pour over the remaining half of brownie-gunge, using a rubber spatula or whatever to make sure each bit of cheese is covered. Then put in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes : the top should be slightly paled and dry, but a cake tester poked within should reveal a still-sticky center. Cool for about 10 minutes before cutting into little squares, and eat warm or cold, though the cooler they are the easier they'll be to lift out. 

Makes 8-10 (i cut mine into 16 smaller pieces)



For the next Bake-Along, we will be baking based on a theme, which is "Theme : Marbled Butter Cake". Bake any marbled butter cake of your choice, and link your post to  blog-hop linky which will start on 20th March right up to 29th March in  Joyce from Kitchen FlavoursLena from Frozen Wings and Zoe from Bake For Happy Kids 's blog.
I am also linking this post to 'Cook Your Book' #10 hosted by Joyce from Kitchen  Flavours.


This post is also for Cook Like A Star 2nd Anniversary Cooking Party March & April 2014 hosted by Zoe from Bake For Happy KidsMich from Piece of Cake and Joyce from Kitchen Flavours, where we can cook or bake like Donna Hay, Barefoot Contessa, Jamie Oliver, Masterchef, Martha Stewart, Delia Smith, Curtis Stone, Nigella Lawson, Ree Drummond and Bill Granger


  1. 当我的早点,可以吗? :)

  2. How nice it is to have baking buddies who come to help when u need them... Glad to hear they turned out as as the brownies look really nice

  3. Hi Doreen. The brownies look perfect! Baking will become more fun when you have baking buddies!

  4. Beautiful brownies! Hehe I also like to send SOS to my baking./cooking buddies whenever I need help with recipes :) They're the best!

  5. hi doreen, the moment i send sos to my baking buddies, i think i am already in kelam kabut stage! LOL! nice to have you baking these brownies with us and nice to hear that your kids love them!

  6. Hi Doreen,
    Haha! Glad to be of service! :)
    Great that your brownies turned out wonderful. We finished ours by the next day.
    Hope that everyone is OK from the cough by now!
    Thanks for joining in the brownie fun with us!

  7. 我的下午茶点心吗?哈哈哈。。。谢谢

  8. These brownies look fantastic! I haven't made brownies in FOREVER!

  9. mui mui, this must be one of the tastiest brownies around due to the cream cheese. I am going to try it too :)

  10. Hi Mui Mui, wow..... your brownies look so pretty and delightful. Love the cream cheese part. :)) Fantastic recipe. Well done!

    Best regards.

  11. Hi Doreen,

    Funny that we are SOS buddies!!! Ai yo... I almost missed out your post again as I took for granted that all of us that baked this will link with CLAS too :p Double triple sorry!!!!

    ha ha ha... so you did baked this more than once! Your son is very persuasive! :D


  12. Your brownies are so beautifully done!

  13. I baked these too and I enjoyed eating it when it was still warm, but after that my boys said the brownies are too dense! Oh well, guess they like cake like brownies more.


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