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Fail proof cupcake?? ..Bake Along #44

 Happy Birthday to Bake Along!!
It is Bake Along 2nd Anniversary!!
*~^o^~ cheer*~^o^~ cheer*~^o^~ cheer

Time files!! I remember a year back when i first join Bake Along, i was just coming back to blogging. I enjoy baking and l learn lots of new recipes participating in this event. The hosts of this event are awesome ladies..they are encouraging, funny and most of they share their tested experiences of all the recipes. They are non other then these 3 lovely ladies 

This post is linked to the Bake-Along blog hop event hosted by Joyce of Kitchen Flavours , Lena of Frozen Wings and Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids


This is a favourite cupcake recipe of mine. When i am out of idea which recipe to follow i will always go back to the basic. This is a basic cupcake choice for me that i get from Nigella's book 'FEAST'. It is a gift from hubby.

简单的小杯蛋糕食谱是最受欢迎的. 而一个是简单又肯定成功的食谱哦 ;)
每每不知道要选择做哪个小杯蛋糕时我总是会做这个来自英国的性感甜点女神的Nigella Lawson的食谱. 她的书'FEAST', 是宝贝'爸'送的 :p

Please view cupcake recipe HERE
Please view Mock cream recipe HERE

This is how i do my pink piggy ^_^

From left to right
Prepared .. 1 big round ball for the head (pink)
1 medium oblong ball for the body (pink)
4 small round balls for leg (pink)
1 small round ball for the nose..flatten a little (white)
3 tiny round balls for the eyes and mouth..roll long (black)
2 triangle for the ears (pink)
1 small round ball for the tails..roll long (pink) (it is not in the picture :p)

2nd pic.
Brush some water on the top of the oblong 
3rd pic
Stick the big round head onto the oblong piece.

1st pic
Turn the fondant upside down. Brush water onto the oblong piece where legs are to be stick on
2nd pic
This is the first piece of small round leg sticking on the oblong piece
Repeat stick the rest of the legs

1st pic
Turn the piggy body upright back into position (legs are on the ground now) Brush some water into the head 
Stick the flatten white piece onto the head
Make a small hole on the nose for the piggy nostril
(use the fondant tool that have a round ball on..if you don't have you can use a narrow chopstick or a skewer)

1st pic
This is the ears, eyes, mouth and tail
2nd pic
Brush some water on the head and stick the triangle piece on
Flip the triangle forward and press gentle with the fondant tool ( tool with a round ball)

1st pic
Brush some water (very little) at where eyes are to be stick on and stick the prepared black fondant on
2nd pic 
Brush a little water at the back and stick the pink rolled long fondant on and make a swirl for the tails. Press lightly to secure it.
3rd pic
It's DONE!!
wait..wait ..wait..almost there.

1st pic
Brush some water on the prepared cupcake.
2nd pic
 Stick the piggy on. Press lightly to secure it.
3rd pic
Use some yellow fondant, rolled into little little tear droplets for wheat and a long tiny one for the stem. Assemble ... stick the long stem at the side of the cupcake, then stick the little tear droplets along the side of the stem.

This are the rest of the fondant cupcakes that i will share the 'how to do' soon..^_^

Please hop over to my friends' blogs for more of their celebration cupcakes baking.


  1. 宝贝宝贝~亲爱的你

    1. 宝贝水晶,
      快签收吧!! :D

  2. cute little piggy..

  3. Aaawww... these are the cutest and adorable cupcakes ever! Cute little piggies! I love the cute little tail and the ears and everything about it! You are one talented baker! I have yet to try my hands at fondant!
    Thank you for your lovely words! And also for your wonderful support to the Bake-Along events, we really appreciate it! Cheers! Here's to our many wonderful bakes together! :)

    1. Joyce,
      It's my pleasure.
      2 wonderful years of BA is not easy!! You guys are great!!
      Yes, looking forward to our many wonderful bakes together :D

  4. Your cupcakes are so cute and very professional looking. Lovely!!

  5. so so so so cute!!!! i was like, "wah.... so nice n pretty!!!" i also wan a little piglet pls... im too lazy to do any fondant...kekeke, so tiring and time-consuming.. did u diy e fondant or u bot the ready made ones...
    so so so so cute...hehehehe...:))

    1. Hi Charmaine,
      I bought the ready made fondant. It comes in a tub and this brand i am using its not too sweet.
      Yes, doing this is quite time consuming but it is worthwhile when you see the result ..kekeke
      You want a piggy? Sure, i will DHL to you .LOL

  6. mui mui, I love the cute-cute piggy!

    1. Thanks Phong Hong.
      Looks like my piggy love you too!
      See he is smiling to you

  7. Too cute to eat your cupcake! I love the little piggy:D

  8. Replies
    1. Aunty Young,
      谢谢你. 你喜欢那一支呢??

  9. Mui Mui, you have a pair of gifted hand! I like all of them but my most fav must be the pinky pig! You should enlarge the photo of the pig that is rolling on the floor & laughing! It is so cute!

    1. Jess,
      Thanks for your good words!
      Myself love the piggy that rolling on the floor too!!
      Will share the 'how to do' soon..:D

  10. Super cute piggy!!!!! Great job, Mui Mui ! :)

  11. WOW! Those piggies look so cute! Nice job, Mui Mui :)

  12. Hey, sorry for my late visit.. So fast two years already , too bad I am not able to bake along as i can't commit the schedule in view of my tight schedule .
    You have prepared a very cute pinky piggy for this celebration , hope to see more creation from you..

    1. Ah Chi, no worries!!
      How's your trip?? i bet it is very enjoyable :)

      Yes, BA is already 2 years old. Do join us if you find time soon.

      Thanks for your kind words:D will share the rest soon.

  13. Mui mui, I love all your cute fondant, so nice! I also must learn to make fondant so I can decorate my kids birthday cake nicely this year.

    1. Yen,
      Making fondant figures can be quite simple when you get the hang of it.
      Yes, it is very cute to make for kids birthday cupcakes toppers.
      Do stay tune for the others cutties soon.
      I know you will make even more pretty ones ^_^
      Cheers :D

  14. Hi Mui! You really have nimble fingers to make all these fondant figurines! Lovely!

  15. Hi Mui Mui, I am smiling back at your cute smiling pinky piggy. I love cupcakes. They always make me smile and I feel happy looking at them.

    1. Lian,
      I am glad that this smiling piggy makes your smile back :D
      I agreed with you, cupcakes are always making me smile too ^_^
      I love your cupcakes too.

  16. Hey, you've got very creative fingers. I can't make those figurines, very clumsy with handwork. It'd be a shame to eat those cutties!

    1. Thanks Cheah!!
      My kids too telling me ' Mummy this one is so cute, i can't bear to eat its nose or eat..><
      Can i just eat the cake!!!

  17. 作的真的是太可爱了,可以送给我吗,嘻嘻。。。

    1. Cass,
      没问题! 寄postlaju给你吧!!
      两支好吗? ^_^

  18. Replies
    1. Thanks for the big Thumbs Bee :)

    2. Oops!! i mean for the big thumbs up and the good words :D

  19. Hi Doreen,

    These cupcakes are very cute.

    You are very neat and precise with all fondant sculpturing. I think you should open a bakery selling cute cupcakes. You will make lots of $$$ :D


    1. Thanks Zoe :)

      I love making cute fondant sculptures.
      Opening a bakery?? i don't think up to that standard yet..heehee

  20. Mui Mui, your fondant cupcakes look so cute!! Too cute to be eaten btw! ;)

  21. Your fondant cupcakes look super sweet & gorgeous! And thanks for sharing the step by step forming the cutie piggy :) Love it!

  22. Doreen , those are the most adorable cupcakes I've seen yet ! Beautifully-made and too cute to be eaten :D

  23. Wow, you are so talented! My kids will love to have these cute cupcakes! Can you believe that I've never made cupcakes before??? (muffins I do...) xD

  24. 好cute的粉红小猪猪,太可爱了!

  25. Wah nice, teach me more over here k... my next aim is to design cake with fondant... Hope I can make it. But before going any further, I must well equip with all those tools... So what is the most basic tools I should get first?

    This time I really can't join bake along event.. too pack with my work schedule that is why no baking activity in the kitchen.

  26. the step by step photographs for the pig is really helpful! they remind of those "pigs in the mud" photographs :) gonna bookmark the cupcake recipe to try!

  27. thanks so much for your nice words! you have also been an active supporter of bake along and i want to thank you ! I'm impressed by your fondant cupcakes, very neat and nice. teach me!!

  28. Doreen , just passing by to greet you , belated Happy Mother's Day !!!!

  29. Hi Mui Mui, happy belated Mother's day. Aiyoh, your oink oink cuppies so cute ley. Very pretty.

    Have a nice week ahead.

  30. 怎么办?我舍不得吃咧!

  31. OMG, these are soooooooo cute! U're killing me with these cupcakes, dear! I was actually off blogging the entire mth of April. It's certainly good to be back blog-hopping & nice to be following u too! Looking fwd to sharing not just on food :)

  32. Doreen, you are really creative! the piggy are so cute!

  33. Oh wow your fondant cupcakes are so pretty!


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