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Slimmers' Scramble Egg 瘦身..炒蛋

My family loves eggs..who don't..:p Perhaps only those allergy to protein..that will be another topic..:p
When i saw this Slimmers' Scramble Eggs in Joyce's post, i know my kids will love this. To be honest i love it more :D WHY?? because base on Delia this recipe is devised for people on a diet or for those who have to cut down on fat.

瘦身炒蛋..听起来很不错, 对吧!!
在Joyce的贴子看到这个料理时就晓的很特别. 炒蛋肯定用油炒,又要多油才炒的美. 那又怎样叫瘦身炒蛋呢?? 不过呢, 根据Delia老师这个食谱是特别设计给要瘦身, 要减底吸取脂肪的人士. 哇, 哇, 哇!! 很不错...对吧!! 好吃, 有营养又不发胖哦~~

Yummy Slimmers' Scramble Eggs...I had this for my lunch :)
我的丰富底脂高蛋白质午餐 ^^

Making this Slimmers' Scramble Eggs is no fuss at all. I am happy because no oil is added to cook this scramble eggs. It is a tablespoon of milk added to moisten the pan. Pour the lightly beaten eggs mixture into the pan and start scrambling. Do take note do not use to high flame or else the eggs will burnt easily.
做这炒蛋一点都不难. 没用油只用了一大匙鲜奶让锅润湿倒入拌好的蛋液再拌炒至7份熟再加入乳酪酱(我用60%底脂的乳酪酱) 拌至蛋液浓不水就可以起锅了.

I used 60% low fat cream cheese instead of cottage cheese because i happen to have that in my fridge and i wanted to use that up before it goes into the bin :p  I have a little sous chef today, who is kind enough to help me beat the eggs..Can you see the little hand holding the beater?
After scrambling the eggs liquid about 1-2 minutes the eggs liquid starts to becomes creamy then soild mass. I add in cream cheese here (if you are following the recipe you might be adding cottage cheese or quark). Continue scramble until no egg liquid but it is still creamy. Remove and serve warm...YUM YUM!!

I am serving my Slimmers' Scramble Eggs with my Tomato Buns. Please stay tune for my Tomato Buns and my next Delia Smith recipe is Bread-maker Hot Cross Buns. Easter Day is on the way in another week. Why not make your own Hot Cross Buns this year!!
我用了番茄面包来配上这炒蛋, 超好吃!! 接下来的贴子我会分享番茄面包还有热棒棒面包. 通常老外/基督徒都会在耶稣复活节时做这热棒棒面包(HOT CROSS BUNS)

This post is linked to Cook Like A Star, where this month's featured chef is Delia Smith, an event organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and co-host by Baby Sumo from Eat your heart out and Mich from Piece of Cake

Before sharing this Slimmers' Scramble Eggs recipe, i am going to share a little on Little Thumbs Up Event. This month (march) event is still going and the theme is 'TOMATO'. I would like to thank all my blogger friends who linked your wonderful tomato cooks and bakes to this event. Please keep your tomato cooks and bakes coming in.
谢谢各位格友对'小姆子说好'活动的支持和爱戴, 我很感恩和感动..\(^^)/
 Read more About Little Thumbs Up 

Host of Little Thumbs Up in April will be Esther from Copycake Kitchen with her theme 'CORN'
Please join the fun with us. Just cook or bake anything with corn and link your post with us :D
'小姆子说好'活动下个月(4月)的主持是Esther是Copycake Kitchen的主人. 
她的主题是'玉米' 欢迎大家踊跃参与哦!!

Now this is the wonderful recipe :D

Slimmers' Scramble Eggs

Recipe source: Deliaonline and my modification in blue
(This recipe is taken from How to Cook Book One and One is Fun!)

  Serves 1

 2 large eggs
 1 tablespoon milk
 1 heaped dessertspoon quark or cottage cheese (i used a 60% low fat cream cheese)
 1 level tablespoon fresh snipped chives (i used leek since i have some in my fridge)
 salt and freshly milled black pepper

You will also need a small non-stick saucepan and a wooden fork.

To Do:

Begin by beating the eggs in a bowl, together with a good seasoning of salt and pepper. Now place the saucepan over a gentle heat, then add the milk to moisten the pan, whirling it around the edges.

Add the eggs and, using a wooden fork or pointed wooden spoon, briskly stir backwards and forwards through the liquid egg. Keep on scrambling until three-quarters of the egg is a creamy, solid mass and a quarter is still liquid.

Now add the quark or cottage cheese and chives and continue to scramble, then remove the pan from the heat and continue scrambling until no liquid egg is left. Serve immediately, as the egg will continue to harden.

Do hop over to my friends who are also Cook Like Delia Smith and view their wonderful dish :D


  1. Hi mui mui
    Scramble eggs are always on my breakfast menu list because it is easy to make. My scramble eggs are much more simple; butter, eggs, milk, salt and time I shall add some cheese, I'm sure this would taste much more better, isnt it?

  2. Hi Doreen,
    This is so super easy and so delicious! My kids love it too, perfect for a quick lunch! I'm thinking of having this again, maybe I'll make some for myself tomorrow, with some homemade bread, toasted! :)

  3. Hi Doreen
    Your scramble eggs look so delicious. Going to make this way when I make them for family.

  4. Hi Doreen,

    I see the goodness of your scrambled eggs from your pictures of happy chicks :D

    I have bookmarked Delia's hot cross bun recipe too but don't think I can bake this before Easter.


  5. I make mashed egg for breakfast yesterday morning.. keke...

  6. Doreen , I even love eating fried / scrambled eggs for dinner :D Love your slimmer's scrambled eggs , it looks so yummy esp as a filling for wonderful tomato bread .....

  7. 好健康又低脂的scramble egg哦,好吃!

  8. Hi Doreen, looks delicious! Perfect for a quick and easy breakfast.

  9. 你都那么瘦了还要减肥啊。。。嘻嘻:p

  10. Very popular dish for this bloghop. Ooo no oil, I like that too!

  11. Hi Mui Mui! You are on a diet? You look okay what!

  12. Hi Mui Mui, wah... 瘦身..炒蛋 I definitely need this menu cos I'm over weight. But so many good food, hard to resit feel very sorry for my stomach lorr if I don't eat. This is perfect for my breakfast or quickie lunch. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great week ahead.

  13. I should join in the diet wagon too! this looks delicious and light!

  14. Such a healthy indulgence! Love the colours, Mui Mui! Gorgeous food, Hamilton! Have a wonderful weekend, dear!

  15. I love eggs that to be cooked in anyway and I love your recipe more because you mentioned '瘦身' ... :D :D


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