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Pandan Ogura Cake - 班兰相思蛋糕 (MFF - Johor)

This is my 3rd attempt to make this Ogura Cake. My first attempt was making a  Cranberries Yogurt Ogura Cake and the second was Passion fruit Ogura Cake. Both of the recipes are from Cass. I will share these recipe soon.

I get to know Ogura Cake is a famous cake Batu Pahat , Johor when Wendy asked me "Eh! Friend :D Can you try to bake a Ogura Cake for MFF this month?" she sound so cute :p Then she gave me a link to see what is the real Ogura Cake looks like in Batu

 Ogura Cake, is named ' Xiang Si Dan Gao' in mandarin, it is so famous in Batu Pahat, Johore. I goggle to find a Ogura cake recipe that is the nearest to the Johore ogura cake in  taste(flavour) and in apperance. I found a awesome recipe here I am glad my first attempt to this recipe was good. The cake is fluffy, soft and most importantly it only shrink a little at the top.
Earlier on i saw Angeline is also using the same recipe hop over to view her Famous Batu Pahat Ogura Cake. She is baking the original vanilla flavour.

The mock cream goes very well with the cake. I use Golden Churn butter from the tin. It is slightly salted, I found that the low salted taste really good.

Part A:
1..Egg yolks in a mixing bowl.
2..Add in canola oil, icing sugar, pandan juice, milk and whole egg.
3..Whisk with mixer till it is bubbly.
4..Sift in flour and combine well. Set aside.

Part B:
1..Egg whites in a clean and non greasy bowl.
2..Whisk till it is frothy, add in cream of tartar
3..Turn to medium speed beating the egg whites and gradually adding sugar bit by bit till all are used.
4..Beat till stiff peak form (i beat mine till medium stiff peak form)

..Pour mixture into prepared cake tin.      ..After 55 minutes, cake is done.
 Put into a larger cake tin and filled          There is a little crack on top. Maybe 
 the larger cake tin with hot water.           is due to my oven. It is a small
                                                           oven that the top heat is a bit too
                                                           high that cause the cake to crack.

Assembling the cake
1..Cool the cake on a wire rack.
2..The cake stays high and only a very slight shrink at the top.
3..Slice the cake horizontally into two thick slices. Apply a just nice amount of  mock cream and sandwich the two slices together.
(i used a cake divider to slice the cake, you can find this cake divider in Sonia's Kedai Runcit)                                                

Ogura Love Cake 
recipe source: corner cafe  with my modification in purple
Makes one 20cm/7inches cake


Cotton Sponge Cake:
Part A:

85g cake flour

15g custard powder (i used corn flour)
1/4 teaspoon salt

55g canola oil
70g milk (i used 50g pandan juice and 20 milk)
5 egg yolks
1 whole egg
30g icing mixture (confectioners’ sugar) (i used 20g)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract)(i omit this)

Part B:
5 egg whites
70g caster sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

1/4 quantity mock cream

To Do:
1. Preheat oven to 150°C. Grease and line a tall 20cm (at least 6cm tall) square cake tin. Get another tin that is slightly larger than the cake tin and fill it with hot water (be very careful when doing this, don’t burn yourself!) – place the cake tin inside the larger tin, and carefully fill the larger tin with hot water to come up about halfway up the sides of the cake tin; you need to press the cake tin down to measure the water level as it will float. Remove cake tin and set aside; place the larger tin with hot water into the preheating oven.
(i just get ready a pot of hot water. Put the cake into the bigger cake tin and slowly add hot water into the larger cake tin and send into the preheated oven.)

2. Part A... Sift cake flour, custard powder (i used corn flour) and salt 3 times and set aside. Mix oil, milk, egg yolks, whole egg, vanilla and icing sugar, and whisk well to combine. Sift the flour mixture, in about 3 to 4 batches, into the egg mixture and lightly whisk in well after each batch. Set aside.

3. Part B... With an electric beater, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peaks formed. Gradually add in caster sugar, a tablespoon at a time, and continue to beat until stiff peaks formed. (i beat into medium stiff peak)

4. Fold 1/3 of the beaten egg whites into the flour mixture first, then repeat two more times with the remaining beaten egg whites.

5. Pour batter into the prepared cake tin. Tap the tin once on the bench top to get rid of any large air bubbles and place the cake tin inside the larger tin with hot water in the oven. Bake this in  water-bath for about 1 hour. (i baked mine for 55 minutes)

6. Remove cake tin from the oven, give it another tap on the bench top then leave it for 5 minutes to cool down slightly. Carefully turn out onto a tray (or rack) lined with tea towel, discard lining paper then flip cake over to a cooling rack so it is right-side up and let cool completely.

7. Let the cake cool completely before slicing the cake horizontally into two halves and spread a generous amount of mock cream. Sandwich the two slices of cake together. Cut with a serrated knife and serve.

**This is cake is so light, cottony and the taste is wonderful. My kids love it and ask for more and i bet you will ask for more after you have tried this me :D This cake is so good that i use it as a cake base for a  frosted birthday cake. Will share this soon :D

I am submitting this to Malaysia Food Fest ~ Johor month hosted by Annie of Annielicious Food.


  1. Looks really cottony soft! The cream in between really make the different!

    1. Viv,
      The cream really give this cake '加分'

  2. Hi Mui Mui, your cake is so cottony soft and very well baked.I love the pandan flavor, pass me 2 big slices please. :))

    Have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Amelia,
      Check your mail box, I have send 3 pieces

  3. Your cake makes me want to try baking this cake. Yours look so soft and I like the color of the pandan. Will try your recipe for my first attempt.

    1. Lian,
      This is my first attempt on this recipe too.
      I love the out come of this cake. I am so surprise this cake only shrink very slightly at the top.
      Do try this you will be delighted with the result.

  4. I love pandan flavour too, natural and nice aroma ..

    1. Ah Chi,
      We love pandan flavour too ; )

  5. 组织很细致的蛋糕,班兰口味的一定也很香,有机会我也要试!

  6. Your ogura cake looks soft and fluffy ! Love the pandan flavor so as the pretty green color :D

    1. Anne,
      Come, come I cut a piece or 2 for you :D

  7. mui mui, very nice! I love this cake a lot. I also baked last weekend. Will post it later.

    1. Thanks PH : )
      Looking forward to see your cake :D

  8. Wow! This Ogura cake looks so soft cottony & fluffy! I've never had Ogura cake before ! Would love to give this a try soon! Thanks for sharing the lovely recipe! ;)

    1. Kit,
      This so very yum yum yum!
      Try it! You will love it!

  9. Looks so soft and fluffy and the colour is just right, not too green!

    1. Thanks Veronica.
      Oh! I love this pastel green pandan colour.

  10. Oh I miss this post...I dunno why my blog site didn't pop up the latest post of yours.

    Good Good Good... Your Ogura cake very nice and pretty in light green. I like it very much.

  11. This is indeed good. I wanna try this soon! :D

  12. Hi Mui Mui,
    Your pandan cake looks so appetizing! Can't wait to try this recipe, but is corn flour the same as cornstarch?

    1. Hi Soon Cheah,
      Oh yes! You must try this, it is very good.
      Corn flour and cornstarch is the same.
      Happy baking :)

  13. Thanks for your quick reply! I tried this recipe and it came out the bottom of the cake was too damp/wet. Is it because I leave the cake in the tin to cool instead of take it out to cool? What do u think is the problem?

    1. Hi soon cheah,
      The damp bottom of the cake is due to leaving the cake too long in the baking tin. Leaving the cake too long in the tin will cause condensation at the bottom of the baking tin.

      Just leave the cake 1-2 minutes in the baking tin then inverted it on a wire rack and unmould it.

  14. Hi mui mui,
    Can i use this same recipe to make pandan chifffon cake by doubling the recipe?

  15. Mui Mui,
    I bake this cake yesterday and today. Thanks for sharing - the cake is really nice despite the top of crack very badly. I have a small oven too (some call it OTG oven) My 2nd attempt, i cover it with aluminum foil (no major crack) but not completely cook . My next attempt , I was wondering if is ok i use "bottom" only mode to bake this cake

  16. I can't get pandan where I live. Can I substitute with pandan flavoring?


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