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Bread maker Hot Cross Buns. 面包机热棒棒

Today is Easter Day. This is the first year I am baking a Easter bake. It is a fuss free kind of buns. Why?? Because it is the bread maker that is  doing the mixing, kneading and proofing work. Easy right!

This bread maker hot cross buns caught my eyes when I was browsing delia online recipes. All I need to do is just add in all the ingredients into the bread pan slide it into the bread maker machine, press sweet bread mode and 'start'
let the bread maker do the work.

The wonderful thing about breadmakers is they cut all the tedious bits out of making an enriched dough, but all homemade hot cross buns are in a different league from anything you can buy...shared by Delia Smith :)

Bread dough have rise.
Pour onto the work top.
Divide into 50g each

Rolled into round balls and proof for 50 minutes or double its size.

 Greased a large polythene bag to cover the ready rolled buns for proofing.

Breadmaker Hot Cross Buns
recipe source: (with my modification in purple)

 1 lb (450 g) packet Carrs Special CC flour (reserve 2 oz/50 g for the crosses and a little extra for dusting)
(I used 450g bread flour (reserve 50g for the crosses and a little extra for dusting)
2 x 5 g sachets Carrs breadmaker yeast (comes with the flour)
(i used 2 tsp = 6g)
50g golden caster sugar
1 level teaspoon mixed spice (i omit this)
1/2 tsp cinnamon (i used 1/4 tsp cinnamon)
1/2 level tsp freshly grated nutmeg (i omit this)
1 level tsp salt
150 ml milk
1 large egg, beaten
50g butter, at room temperature
110g currants (i used black raisin)
50g chopped mixed peel (i used dried cranberries)

For the glaze:
2 level tbsp granulated sugar

To do:

  • First of all pop the ingredients for the dough, excluding the currants and mixed peel, into the breadmaker along with 1½-2 fl oz (40-55 ml) water, in the order your manual instructs. Then set it to the ‘dough raisin’ mode (or equivalent setting) and press the start button. When the ‘raisin’ bleep blinks, add the currants and mixed peel and then continue to mix until the dough is ready.
  • After that, turn the dough out on to a lightly floured work surface, knead it briefly, then divide it into 12 round portions and place them on the greased baking sheet, leaving plenty of room around each one. 
  • Use a sharp knife to make a cross on the top of each bun. 
  • Then cover them with the oiled polythene bag and leave them to rise, which will take about 30 minutes by which time the buns will have almost doubled in size and are ready. 
  • While that’s happening, pre-heat the oven to gas mark 7, 425°F (220°C) and make the crosses. 
  • Form a paste with 2 oz/50 g flour and 1½-2 tablespoons water, then roll this out and cut into ¼ inch (5 mm) strips. 
  • When the buns have risen, brush the strips with water to make them stick and place them on top of the buns along the indentations you made earlier. 
  • Then place the baking sheet on a high shelf in the oven and bake them for about 15 minutes.
  • While they are cooking, make the glaze by slowly melting together the sugar and 2 tablespoons water in a pan over a gentle heat until all the sugar grains have dissolved and you have a clear syrup. 
  • As soon as the buns come out of the oven, brush them immediately with the glaze while they are still warm. 
  • If you want to make them ahead of time, it’s quite nice just to warm them through again in the oven before eating. 
  • If you want to freeze them, they do freeze well – just remember to put on the glaze after defrosting and then warm the buns through in the oven.
  •  Also don’t forget that stale leftover buns are brilliant toasted.
Sharing this to post is linked to Cook Like A Star, where this month's featured chef is Delia Smith, an event organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and co-host by Baby Sumo from Eat your heart out and Mich from Piece of Cake


  1. Hi mui mui, beautiful hot cross buns. I didn't have time to make them this year, will try this next Easter :)

    1. Yen,
      I will wait to see your hot cross bun next Easter ...LOL

  2. Never think off using the dough making the 'cross'. By using dough make very neat hot cross bun. Love the fillings. Too bad my kids not appreciate raisins in buns.

    1. Viv,
      This is my first attempt with this 'dough' making cross. The dough made cross is kind of hard, my kids doesn't like it. The next time I make this I will add more water to make it softer. Anyway overall it is very nice!

  3. Lovely Hot Cross Buns you have baked during the weekend! Love the spices aroma in the bread.

  4. Lovely Hot Cross Buns, Doreen! Would be wonderful to enjoy these with a cup of warm tea!

    1. Joyce,
      Yes, this is nice with warm tea.
      Would l love to have you over for tea :p

  5. mui mui, your hot cross buns must be very yummy! I can eat at least 4 in one go :)

    1. PH,
      Yes, it really yummy.
      Let me send 4 to you...LOL

  6. Looks like somebody have been very busy lol I'll drop by later to get my share of those pretty yummy hot cross buns ;D

    1. Anne,
      Haha busy, busy, busy like a
      Ok... I have prepared a few pieces for you to take away :D

  7. Oops, I'm late for the Easter Wishes! It's still public holiday in Australia! I was planning to make some Easter buns too but then we were too busy with a few gatherings, so cancelled pulak! Your easter buns look great. I haven't used my bread maker for a long time too, must take it out & use it soon, hehe!

  8. Looks wonderfully soft and fluffy!

  9. Hot cross bun, one a penny, two a penny hot cross bun! Heard before?

    Your DS hot cross bun is a success. I don't have the guts to try making bread yet....

  10. Hi Mui Mui, sorry that I'm late to read this post. I saw many made hot cross buns for the Easter holiday. I must make this next year... er.. way too long... hehee..

  11. I told myself I would bake hot cross buns too but got lazy lol! Yours looks so nice and fluffy!

  12. Hi Mui Mui,I love these beautiful cross buns, look cute and gorgeous!!!!

  13. Hi Mui, these hot cross buns look delicious, soft & fluffy:-D I tink i had never tried one before.. Send one over to me can?? hehehe;)

  14. Doreen, your hot cross buns look fabulous. I thought about making it for Easter but procrastinated unti Easter was over!! yr then :p

  15. Hi Mui! I still have not bought my breadmaking machine... such posts always trigger my urge again... :D

  16. Hi Mui Mui, I bought my bread machine for a few months but yet to use it lol. Your hot cross buns look good, keep some for me ok lol.

  17. Mui Mui~~

  18. These hot-cross bun is so beautifully done. Love the smooth shinny top. I've just bought my bread machine, love to try this recipe of Deila Smith! Looks amazing! ;)

  19. The bread producing device or even bread maker is really a house machine intended for cooking bread. It all includes a bread skillet or even "tin" at the end which are usually a number of integrated paddles, installed in the heart of a little special-purpose range. This particular little stove is usually managed with a simple integrated computer, the particular configurations that are usually put in a the control panel. Many bread devices have various cycles for various types of dough—including whitened bread, wholegrain, European-style occasionally branded "French", plus dough-only intended for lasagna cash plus designed loaves cooked in a typical range. Many also provide the timer to permit the particular bread device in order to switch on with no agent presence, and a few expensive versions permit the consumer in order to plan the custom made cycle. what is Bread Machine Reviews


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