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Kueh MoMo...A very Happy Lunar New Year..

 Oh!!! I am so late to wish all my fellow bloggers, my readers and my dear friends 
A Happy Lunar New Year 
with all good health, good luck and good fortune to all of YOUs..:D
In this Year of the Snake wishing everyone ...HUAT, HUAT, HUAT ahhh!!  

送上迟来的新年祝福..我祝各位亲爱的格友们, 著者们和朋友们..

In Chinese New Year there always will be CNY cookies around. One of my favourite is this 'kueh momo'. I don't know why it is named 'kueh momo' but i can tell you this cookies is melt-in-mouth:D If it is rolled in Glucolin glucose it will be much more additive..heehee... If you know why it is called 'kueh momo' please tell me..:p  
这是我超爱的其中一样年饼. 叫做 'kueh momo' 为什么叫这个名我就不知道了, 如果你知道请跟我分享哦..
味道如何呢?? 这个'momo'是入口慢慢融化. 外层如果洒上葡萄糖会更入口冰冰+溶化的感觉:D
This is a very simple recipe that a very old friend of my family shared to me. She teaches home baking classes when she was young. She is 60+year old now and still very spontaneous and active.  I am so glad she is willing to share her simple and nice recipe with me. Thank you so much Auntie Margaret.
Auntie Margaret 是我们家的老朋友, 她现在大约60几岁了. 自小我就认识她, 她在家里教家庭式的烘焙班. 我的阿姨都跟她学. 我呢!! 就常常跟去做小帮手(嘻嘻! 其实是跟去吃好料啦!) 在此非常谢谢Auntie Margaret 无私的分享.

This is the melt-in-mouth kueh MoMo..
这Kueh MoMo 是溶在口里而不溶在手..

Before making this Kueh MoMo, I have to fried the flour in a wok without oil until it is fluffy and dry. After that sifted the flour to get rid of the burnt pieces or flour if there is any. If you keep an eye on the flour while frying it will not burnt...:p Then mixed cooked flour, milk powder and ghee together to form into a dough. Take small portions of the dough and rolled into a balls. Place rolled balls onto a baking tray. Send them to the oven to bake at 160c for 10 minutes. 

首先, 把面粉炒好, 过筛. 去掉焦的粉粒.(如果在炒粉的过程常常反动面粉是不会有焦的现象的) 把炒好的粉, 奶粉和羊油(ghee)混合成面团. 把面团分成小小份再捏成小圆球. 再放在烤盘上就以160c烤10分钟就可以了.
After the MoMo has cool down a little while, sift some icing sugar or glucolin glucose sugar to coat the MoMo balls. Simple right..:) then Serve.

Simple Kueh MoMo
recipe source: Auntie Margaret with slight modification

1 kg plain flour
1 cup milk powder (i use fernleaf 'kuat')
1 medium can 'QBB' brand ghee  (545gm)
some icing sugar or glucose 

To do:
  • Fried the plain flour in a wok without oil until it is fluffy and dried. Sifted.
  • Add milk powder into the fried flour and mixed ghee in, to form into a dough. The dough will be just nice to roll into small balls.
  • Arrange the balls into baking trays and bake at 160c for 10 minutes.
  • Let the baked balls cool a little before sifting icing sugar or glucose onto them and coated them evenly before storing in a container.

See that... (Cai Shen) God of prosperity (my Shawn hand craft from his tadika 2 years back) 'Cai Shen' is sending all good fortunes to all who read this
请看!! '财神'送''来了(这手工财神是大宝贝两年前在幼儿园做的)..愿看过这贴的读者和朋友们今年都能发大财, 行大运..哈哈哈

Hope that you will ENJOY this all times favourite of mine as much as i do~~~

 I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


  1. Hi Mui Mui, wishing you a very happy new year. Gong Xi Fa Cai.

    Very nice kueh MoMo, I have not eaten this kueh. Look good, taste must be very good. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Have a nice day ahead,regards.

  2. Doreen , just passing by to wish you and your family Kung Hei Fat Choi !!! May the Year of the Snake bring you good health , happiness and good fortune !

    1. Oh ! I want some of that yummy kuih as well :D

  3. I like 'melt in mouth' kind of cookies. Love it! Happy Lunar Year to you too.

  4. Happy Lunar New Year to you and your family, Doreen!
    Thank you for sharing this recipe. I'll KIV for next CNY :)

  5. I also wish you and your family a Happy New Year and may all be blessed with good health and happiness! :)

  6. Happy Lunar New Year to you and your family!!!

  7. Happy CNY to you and your family, Doreen!

    I used to drink glucolin glucose sugar with ice water to quench my thirst in hot hot Singapore weather and I can imagine the melting of these sugar in our mouth with these MoMo cookies must be extremely "soothing" experiences... Yum!


  8. Hi Mui Mui,
    祝你蛇年要蛇(啥)有蛇(啥), 蛇来运转, 心想事成, 万事如意!

  9. Mui Mui, these are my favorite cookies too. Kueh Momo with glucose that sounds a good idea to me :) Your son's hand craft "Cai Shen" looks great and cute.
    Happy and Blessed CNY to you and your family. Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!!

  10. mui mui, Gong Xi Fa Cai! The name is so cute, Kueh Momo. Maybe it is because it is so nice to eat everybody wants more, more, more! That's why call Kueh MoMo :)

  11. I have never eaten this biscuit before, the name is so cute! Happy New Year to you and your family.

  12. Mui,祝你和家人新年快乐,万事如意!

  13. Hi Mui Mui, Happy CNY to you. I also have not heard of this kuih before but it looks like mochi (a little). But judging from your recipe the texture is crumbly type, right?

  14. Hi Doreen! Happy Lunar New Year!

    The only "MOMO" I know is the steering wheel and car accessories brand! Haha :P

    But seriously, I trust you that this must be super melt-in-your-mouth type of cookie...

  15. Gong Xi Faa Cai to you & your family, dear Doreen. Guess what, I've not heard or tasted this kuih before. But I do like the funny name, Momo! LOL Looks & sounds good too! Bookmarking this recipe as I LOVE innovating recipe such as this! Thanks for sharing! ;)

  16. Hi Mui Mui, drop by to wish you happy valentine's day. May your day fill with joy and lots of love.

    With hugs to you.

  17. mui happy new year to u :)


  18. I have not eaten this kueh for ages!
    Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your family!

  19. I would love to try this recipe since I have one small can of ghee sitting in my pantry. :)

  20. Hi Kawan, happy new year to you and ur lovely family.

  21. Thanks for sharing this recipe , save it for next CNY!

  22. Hi, my friend told me that its original name was kuih makmur. Later on it is known as momo because some people, esp. the Chinese could not pronounce makmur correctly, and the name slowly changed to momo. Lol...

    P/s: Gonna try this recipe for this CNY. TQ for sharing!

  23. 请问怎么炒面粉啊?炒到变色?大概几分钟?


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