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Mango and Roselle Konnyaku Jelly

This is a simple, easy and fast to do dessert.  It is nice and refreshing fruit juice base konnyaku jelly.  It can be easily prepared to bring along to a party, a get together, a potluck or my kids school party. 
简单,美味又可以快速就准备好的果汁果冻. 当宝贝们的学校有生日派队或跟朋友有聚餐,我都会准备这好吃又好准备的果冻.

This Konnyaku jelly can be done a day or two days ahead. Keep it in the mould and only unmould it when it is ready to serve.
果冻可以提早一两天准备好,放在冰箱. 等要吃时才脱模就可以了.

~Cut into strips when serve..吃时可以把果冻切条~
To do this Konnyaku jelly is simple and easy. All you need to do is boil the water,  add in konnyaku jelly powder and sugar then bring to boil. After boiling, remove and add in malic acid or lemon juice. Add in flavour or concentrated fruit juice  then pour into prepared moulds or little pudding cups. Chilled until set and serve..Easy peasy ..:D

这果冻非常好处理, 只需煮滚开水. 再把果冻粉和糖加入再煮滚. 加入果酸粉或柠檬汁. 再加入调味素或浓果汁后就可倒入模子了. 可以用一粒粒的果冻模或小小杯的布丁杯. 我今天用的是四方的小布丁杯.

~These are the ones from little konnyaku jellies*** that i made for Shawn's 5th birthday ..这是上次做给Shawn生日派队时的小形果冻粒, 做了葡萄和番石榴口味的. 用的是下面的牌子的果冻粉. 1盒里面有2包, 果冻粉里加了糖,也附上了2小包果酸粉. 还蛮方便的. 口感QQ,软软好吃!

~I am using this brand, which is a premix. A box of 2 @ 250 gm, sugar is added in the konnyaku powder and it also comes with 2 small pack of malic acid. The taste is chewy and soft but not too soft. Just nice..:)

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #24 (October 2012): Jellies & Puddings hosted by Charmaine of MiMi Bakery House

Small Small Baker/Aspiring Baker

Mango & Roselle Konnyaku Jellies
recipe source: mui
Makes: 12 square pudding cups and 11 small little ones like the above picture***, konnyaku jellies.
or making into 40 small little konnyaku jellies

1 pack konnyaku premix powder (250gm) comes with a small pack of malic acid
1350ml hot water 
100ml Premium Gold Concentrate Mango juice
100ml sweetened homemade roselle
some square pudding cups or some jellies moulds

To do:

  • Mixed a pack of konnyaku premix in hot water. Stir until all are dissolved.
  • Continue boil until you can see little bubbles around the side. Remove from stove and add in malic acid.
  • Mixed 400ml of cooked konnyaku mixture with 100ml homemade roselle syrup and another 400 ml of cooked konnyaku mixture with 100 ml concentrate mango juice. 
  • Pour the first layer (roselle konnyaku  mixture) into the pudding cups, filling up 1/3 of the cups.(about 12 square pudding cups) 
  • Then pour the second layer (mango konnyaku mixture) on top of the first layer. (this can be pour in just after you have complete pouring the first layer and do not need the first layer to be set).
  • Let it cool a little before sending to chilled in the fridge.
  • There is still a balance of 500ml konnyaku mixture left. Just add another 50ml to 300ml of konnyaku mixture and stir to combine. Pour into small jelly mould fill up half. After completing the first layer, pour in the plain layer, filling up the jelly moulds.
  • Let it set and chilled. Serve.

~Have it just like this or ....

eat with Mango & Cheese mousse cake..:)
(will shared this mango & cheese mousse cake recipe soon!..会迟点分享芒果芝士慕絲蛋糕食谱喔!)

**Premium gold Konnyaku is available here 
   Premium gold concentrate- mango is available here



  1. I love the idea of adding Roselle syrup into the jelly. This looks very refreshing!

    1. Mich,
      Thanks for compliments. It is indeed very refreshing adding the rosella syrup.
      Do try adding some to yours the next time you make konyakku. You will like it too:)

  2. Wah, the konnyaku jelly comes in different grades one, Premium Gold, here we can only get 1 type which is imported from Malaysia. Actually I just learned to eat konnyaku jelly not long ago, hahaha. And I really like the texture. I purposely used less water to give an extra QQ texture! After looking at your jelly, I think I'm going to re-stock soon! Looking forward to see your mango mousse cheesecake!

    1. Jess,
      I don't think the konyakku powder comes in grades. That word premium gold is just the brand name of that particular brand I use.
      Anyway, I do find that the texture of this brand is good compare to a few brand I had tried.

      Yes,yes my boys love the QQ chewy texture too. I guess it is cheaper n Malaysia compare to Aust right? Better stock up some if you are coming back..heehee

  3. Hi Mui Mui, very refreshing konnyaku jelly. I will munch non stop if you put the whole plate in front of me. LOL I love to put longan or lychee.
    Your cheesecake look delicious, looking forward to your recipe.

    Have a nice day ahead.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Thanks for compliments.
      Oh yes, I like to add longan n lychee too sometimes. Just thought of having a change sometimes :)
      Agreed this will make me munch non stop too..come come lets munch
      Have a nice day dear..^^

  4. 梅梅。。

  5. 普普通通的果冻都可以被你做到美美。。真的很厉害哟。。

    1. Kym,

  6. Last few days the weather was very hot, just nice for it, hehe...

    1. Sharon,
      This is really nice when it is cold..^^

  7. Now raining day , no chance to make jelly..yours look so good.


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