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Steam Yellow Roses Paus and Pumpkin savory Paus~~ 黄玫瑰包子及咸南瓜包子

I am a 2 days late to wish all my readers and friends 
                Happy Mother's Day..:p
hehehe... Late is better then not at all ... right?
I found this Yellow Roses Paus looks interesting. Nice too see, nice to eat and it made of health orange sweet potato. (i used pumpkin)
These roses paus method I learn from a Malay food magazine 'Aroma'.
Like I said it is interesting, I want to give it a try..:p
Do tell me what do you think of my Yellow Roses Paus looks..:D

~Orange Yellow Rose Paus..橙黄玫瑰子~

 ~Top view ... 看看上面~

~these are the savoury paus with simple yam bean filling...

 ~pumpkin paus skin is nice and soft, the outer skin can be peel of..

 ~savory yam bean filling simple and nice..咸香,脆口的沙葛简单好吃~

Recipe is adapted from Coco Kong's book 'Paus' :
食谱是来自Coco 老师的'包'书,食谱以下。。
A)2 tsp yeast..小匙 酵母
Mix with (溶入)100-120ml 水
Mix prior before use...用前先溶化
B) 280g pau flour 包粉 (中筋面粉)
      80g icing sugar 糖粉
     160g sweet potato 甜薯(i change to used 90g pumpkin..我换用90克的南瓜)
**pumpkin can be softer and more moist so i use 90g
      20g shortening  白油 (I used Crisco)
      1 tsp double action baking powder 小匙 双效发粉

~mashed pumpkin..南瓜泥~

~Stir-fry yam bean(sengjuang) filling..i only realised i run out of carrot when i i did not add in

I make my own filling..simple and (我炒了自己的料好吃又简单。。呵呵臭美)
    Pau filling...馅料:
C)50g carrot (shredded) 萝卜-切丝
      50g dried shrimp  (soak n chopped) 虾-洗,切幼
    300g sengkuang (peel n shredded) 沙葛-去皮,切丝
         1 big onion ( peel and slice thin) 大洋葱-去皮切丝

D)  50ml water..水
1 tsp corn flour..小匙玉米粉
Mix both together for thickening the filling..把水和玉米粉搅拌做芡汁

1 tsp pepper..小匙胡椒粉, 
1/2 tsp salt..小匙盐
1 tsp mushroom seasoning..香菇粉,
1 tsp light soy sauce..小匙酱清
1/2 tbsp fish sauce..大匙鱼露
**if you like a bit more salty you can add a little salt..如喜欢咸一点可加少许盐.

Some  paper cup cases..小纸杯
**some red bean paste for the yellow roses Paus (rolled into 25g each small balls)

To do filling:Heat wok , add some oil and sauté C, add seasoning and water, fry well. Dish up, set aside to cool.
料做法: 把把锅里的油烧热,加入C料炒香,再加入调味料。最后加芡汁,炒均起锅, 待凉备用。

To do paus skin:
 **For those who have Noxxa bread machine I use mode 11 to mix and knead my dough. It takes about 22 minutes. 
包皮做法:给以有Noxxa面包机的朋友们, 可以用11号打蒸包面团。搅拌和搓用了大楷22分钟。

If you use hand to  mix follow this:
1)Combine B in a mixing bowl add A, mix well into a rough dough.
**if you find the dough is a bit too wet, do add a little more flour 
2)  Invert rough dough onto tabletop and knead with your palm until it is smooth and shinny. 
3) Put dough into a oiled mixing bowl, cover with cling foil or cloth and proof for 30 minutes.
4) Divide dough into 40g eaches. Roll round, flatten and wrap filling place on flatten cupcake cases.
5) Cover and rest 30 minutes.
6) Bring water to a rapid boil, arrange paus onto steaming tray in wok. Steam over medium heat for 10 minutes.

1) 将B料放入大碗加入A拌均,倒在桌面用手搓至光滑面团。用布盖着发酵30分钟。
2) 分割每份40克。滚圆压平把馅料包入放在压平的纸杯上。
4) 锅里煮好滚水,把包子排放入蒸架上再以中火蒸10分钟。

To do Yellow Roses Paus:
Please refer to the pictures below...: )
1) Flatten the 40g round dough.
2) Make 6 cut on the side of flatten dough. (try to cut same size and same long lines on the side)
3) Place the round red bean paste on the middle. 
4) Take up the first piece of and wrap round t he reb bean paste. Follow by the opposite piece and so on. Place on a piece of cupcake case. Do the same to the rest. When all are complete. Cover and proof for 25 minutes.
5) Steam over medium heat for 8-10 minutes.

1) 压平40克的面团。
2) 在压平的面团的旁边剪上6个口。
3) 把圆豆沙馅放在中间。
4) 拿起一片,包起豆沙,再拿起对折的一片也包上。从复完成其他的切口再放上纸杯上。其他的也从复一样的做法。盖上布,待发25分钟。
5) 用中火蒸8-10分钟。

**This is how i do the yellow rose you like it..

Again wish all my readers, friends and fellow bloggers



~This is the craft of my son..Thank you dear Samson for this lovely carnation..Mummy love you more~



  1. wow..looks especially tasty..
    love the pictorial description of making flower shape..awesome
    Tasty Appetite

  2. yes, the roses bao looks very pretty...i saw it in the magazine too...
    please share some with me...:)

  3. you did a very good job!they are so beautiful and gorgeous! seriously! thank you for sharing these pau recipe, they look very fluffy too!

  4. 连包子都可以捏到这么美咧,

  5. Hi Jay, thanks. Do try this in future. It is very soft and nice.

    Hi Sharon,
    Happy belated Mother's Day To u too.

    Hi Sherleen,,
    Thanks. Sure can, come on, take a few home.

    Hi Lena,
    Thanks. Indeed this recipe from Coco Kong is good. The Paus stay soft even after it is cool.

    Hi Kate, 谢谢你帮我按赞。。呵呵

  6. You did well shaping the paus into roses. So nice of you to share this technique to all of us.

  7. 包子的做法拍得很详细,赞哦。。。

  8. Thanks for sharing the detail steps, this rose pau is too beautiful, well done.

  9. 我很喜欢来你家

  10. 原來黃色也很漂亮哦。。哈哈哈哈

  11. 好详细的步骤图~~

  12. My dear, thanks for teaching me and show me how to make Roses Paus. So kind of you, give u a .... Hug and a..... KISS!!

  13. My dear, thanks for teaching me and show me how to make Roses Paus. So kind of you, give u a .... Hug and a..... KISS!!


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