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Orange Bread Loaf 。。。 香橙面包

I have never baked a bread with oranges? I am going to bake a bread with oranges today :) This bread is soft , fluffy and full of sweet orange scent. The whole kitchen was filled with sweet scent of the oranges while it is baking in the oven. This recipe makes into 8 sweet candied orange peel rolls bread but i twist it a little by making it into a mini loaf and 3 pieces of yuzu jam rolls. My kids simply love the soft and  refreshing orange scented bread. It is so nice to enjoy it with a cup of hot kopi o (local coffee only add sugar without milk) or teh ^_^

3 pieces of orange bread rolls with Yuzu jam. 3 粒香橙搭配柚子酱面包卷,味道很搭很喜欢!!
Soft and sponge texture with sweet orange scent..YUM!!
My youngest said " this looks like a mini bloster, mummy...very cute hor!!!"

Mini bloster was sliced into slices to enjoy!!! ^_^

Orange Bread Rolls (i made them into mini bread loaf and some yuzu rolls)
Recipe source: Adapated from the book of '100 breads of Teacher Meng' this is a chinese recipe book '猛老师的100道面包'

Ingredients (A):
250g bread /high protein flour
40g castor sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp (4g) instant yeast
55g whole egg
100g orange juice

Ingredients (B):
15g unsalted butter
zest of an orange (i added)
1 tsp orange mamarlade ( i use yuzu jam)
1 Tbsp candied orange peel, chopped (i omitted this)

Ingredients (C):
some almond nibs for topping (i omitted this)

(**i normally use my bread machine to do the mixed and knead process but this round i use my KA.)
To Do:
  • Add ingredients (A) into the mixer bowl. Use dough hook with speed 1 to mix and turn to speed 2 to knead the ingredients into a rough dough. Add in butter and orange zest, knead with speed 1 until all combine then turn to speed 2 to knead into a smooth and elastic dough. 
Bread dough in rough dough condition. Butter is added.

  • When dough is smooth, do the window pane test. This is one of the best way to tell if the bread dough have sufficiently kneaded.  
Take a portion of the bread dough and stretch it out to see if it gives a thin layer like the window pane
  • Rolled the dough round and place it in a oiled mixing bowl, cover with cling foil or a plastic wrap to do the first proofing. (80 minutes for first proofing...I proof mine for 60 minutes because my kitchen is quite warm and i found that the dough doubles up fast)
  • Bread dough was covered with plastic wrap in a oiled mixing bowl for 80 minutes proofing. (i proofed mine for 60 minutes only)

    After 60 minutes, the bread dough have double in size.
  • Tip the dough out of the mixing bowl and put on a floured work top. Punch the dough down lightly to expelled some air out. Divide dough into 2 portions. 1 portion for mini loaf* (weights around 280g) and the 2nd portion for 3 small bread rolls. Rolled both portions round and let it rest for 15 minutes, covered with cling wrap.
  • Rolled the first portion out flat and oval shape. Rolled back up straight up like a swiss roll. Place the roll into a greased loaf pan* with the seam side facing down.
  • Rolled the 2nd portion out flat into a small rectangle shape. Spread a layer of yuzu jam onto the flat dough and rolled straight up like a swiss roll, sealed the seam side by pinching it. Cut into 3 equal pieces. Place into a small greased loaf pan**
    Both mini loaf and 3 pieces of yuzu bread rolls are in the loaf pans. I proofed mine for 60 minutes.
  • Covered and let it proof for 1 hour or double its size.
  • After 60 minutes of proofing. It is ready to send to the oven.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at upper heat 180C and lower heat 190C. (my oven do not have adjustable upper and lower heat so i use 185C. For the mini loaf baked at 185C for 21 minutes and bread rolls for 15 minutes. I baked both together and took the bread rolls out when the 15 minutes time is up and let the loaf continue baking umtil it is done.)
  • Remove the bread from the pan once it is baked. Let it cool completely on a wire rack.
EnjOy and slice with a cup of coffee or tea!!
 * Size of my loaf pan 22.5cm(8.5inch) x 12.5cm(4.5inch) x 7.5cm(2.5inch)
** Size of my loaf pan for the 3 bread rolls 18cm(7inch) x 8.5cm(3.5inch) x 7.5cm(2.5inch)

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids  and me, my little favourite DIY, hosted by Ann from Anncoo Journal 
April theme 'ORANGE' 


this post is also submitting to 'Yeastspotting' and International Yeasted Recipe # March 14, organised by Kristy of "My Little Space'

 photo 7f9ff7ec-7a90-46b0-b861-9042da613b11.jpg

and also linking to 'Cook Your Book #11', hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours




  1. 您好。这个面包颜色很好看。like

  2. Hi Doreen,
    WOW! Your bread is simply beautiful! It's texture is soft and fluffy, and your son is cute! Mini bolster? Haha! A spot-on description!

  3. mui,

  4. Hi Mui Mui, you are very innovative. Your orange bread look so soft and fluffy. The fragrant scent from the orange zest must be very nice. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

    Have a nice day.

  5. Hi Mui Mui, Your orange bread looks really good with that nice golden brown. Thank you for sharing your recipe to LTU :)

  6. Can smell your orange buns here :D Looks soft and fluffy! Shall try bake this in future.

  7. Hi Doreen,

    Your orange loaves are beautiful! I like them all especially your mini bloster!!! My boy is a fan of blosters too!!! We can't find them here in Melbourne and have to bring 4 of these back from Singapore :p


  8. wow, this looks very lovely for sure Mui!

  9. Your bread looks so soft and fluffy!

  10. 在家就嗅到你家传来的面包香了。。。

  11. Hi mui mui! Orange flavoured bread is something new to me. But I know that I will love it!

  12. Hi Mui Mui, I'm making my regular bread tomorrow. Maybe I should add orange juice, zest and candied orange peel in it like yours here. Beautiful colour and texture.. Thanks for the idea. I saw this book when I was in Taiwan but didn't buy it cos' I have problem with the Chinese characters.

  13. mui,看妳形容得我也无法抗拒了,我也要一片搽柚子酱哦。。

  14. Fluffy and soft - that's exactly how I want my bread to be... This bread looks spectacular, Doreen!

  15. davvero bello questa brioche..
    mi segno la ricetta cara.
    Un abbraccio a rivederci presto.
    Buona serata.

  16. Hi Mui Mui, I baked my loaf bread with orange juice, zest and candied peels. Very aromatic while the bread was baking. We ate this bread without jam. Nice. I try making the buns, next. TQ


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