Have been using gelatinized dough to make my bread recently. Love it because it gives the softness and the spongey feel when eating it. The softness last for days and I do not add any softener or other additives or preservative. Today, I am thinking of making bread toast , when I search in my fridge, then only I realised no more gelatinized dough left. Out of stock and we are running out of bread. No choice I use another recipe to do my special toast bread ..hahaha...Black Toast Bread. ~this is the slices of Black Toast Bread~ This is a White Toast Bread recipe from this Taiwan recipes book translate as "Easy method to make home made bread" "简易家庭面包制作~王志雄和游纯雄合者. Instead of White Toast Bread I change it to Black Toast Bread by adding bamboo charcoal powder. This recipe really works well and taste great. Black Toast Bread~ Ingredients~: 240g water 50g egg 35g castor sugar 10g salt 500g bread flour 1 1/2 tsp bamboo charcoal...