家里前一正有很多香焦, 我的家公在后院种了好多棵香焦树. 一整串採下来还青青的不过几天后就开始黄(熟)了. 我们家自己吃也吃不完,就到处送亲朋好友. 送了好多, 还有哦... 在FB看了一位朋友的巧克力香焦云石七风蛋糕就快快动手做了.. 成品还不错噢...^^ ~ 巧克力香焦云石七风出炉了... chocolate banana chiffon cake ~ There is lots of ripe banana at my backyard lately. My father in law(FIL) planted a few banana trees there. It happen that two banana trees bare fruits at the same time and ripe at the same time. Too many bananas can't finish and it ripe very fast. I have been giving it to friends and relatives and still can't finish..lol Recently I saw a FB friend share this 'chocolate banana marble chiffon cake' recipe. I quickly give it a try.... result was awesome. The sweetness of banana combine with the bittersweet of the chocolate and the texture of this chiffon cake is really smooth and fine...I like it very much. ~ 脱模了 ~ ~ After cooled and unmould from the tube pan ~ Banana chocolate Marble chiffon ccake (A) 6 egg yolks 40g corn oil or any vegetable oil (I u...