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Showing posts from December, 2011

Santa on the Log cake..^^

This year's Christmas Day seems a bit hard for me to be merry. A closed friend passed away...:'( She is a very nice person and she encourage me when I first started my career. She have been a good friend and a teacher to us since we know each other.  Today (25/12) is her buried day. May SB rest in peace. We will always remember your caring, your loving and your teaching  in our heart . 今年的圣诞节, 快乐不起来. 一位我最敬爱的领导间好友去世了...:'( 她是位非常贤惠, 非常好的人, 在我刚开始创业时是她不断的鼓励我. 她是我们的老师也是好朋友. 想起当年我们还是单身,还没家庭. 没想到如今她走了, 我们会很想念她。 今天(25/12)是她的葬礼,但愿她的灵魂能安息。  *************************************************************************************************************** I made this Santa on a Log cake a day before I heard the news that my dear friend had passed away. If I am to do this after I heard the news I would not have the mood to do so. This cake is to bring over to another close friend (LK)  also a close friend to (SB).... for a   Potluck cum her birthday party before the bre...

Merry Christmas to Dear All~~祝我所有的朋友们'圣诞节快乐...:)

Wishing All My Dear friends a Merry Christmas...^^  祝大家圣诞节...平安... 快乐.. ^^ 十二月是个非常喜乐的月份. 到处都挂满了圣诞的装饰. 颜色也是非常喜乐的色彩..红, 青, 白,金...^^   '圣诞节' 是耶稣的诞生 ... 求主来了... 你准备好了吗??? 还没上道理班时都不知道'圣诞节'的意义是什么? 只知道又是一个假日, 可以休假, 可以和朋友出去玩玩. 但是... 上了道理班, 终于明白'圣诞节'的意义了... :)  ******** ********** *** ******* ***** *** 今年来学着做'圣诞饼干'还加上蛋白糖霜... :D 做这饼干还带来蛮多乐趣, 也因为当天来了一位帮手SC...好开心..^^ ~ 六角星饼~挤上蛋白糖霜就变了~~雪花 ~ ~A plain star cookies~apply protein frosting (Royal icing) ~烤好的娃娃形饼... cookies is ready~ ~饼干好了, 可以上糖霜了... cookies is ready to add on the frosting~ 圣诞节快到了。。。。快做一些圣诞饼干来送送朋友吧 ..  :) 圣诞饼干 材料: A.饼干面团 200克 低筋面粉加1/2t 肉桂粉~过筛 50克 无盐奶油 40克 细砂糖 30克 蜂蜜 25克 全蛋液 B. 制作装饰蛋白糖霜 120克 纯糖粉 1/2粒 蛋白 (17克) 1/4t 柠檬汁 少许抹茶粉,无糖可可粉与 果酱各少许 ** '我是简单的讲解..如看 Carol Hu老师的书比较详细噢...^^' 做法: 1) 无盐奶油切小块,用打蛋器打散成乳霜状态. 2)  将细砂糖加入拌打至泛白, 拿起打蛋器尾端呈现角状. 3)  全蛋液分4-5次加入搅拌均匀. 4) 再加入蜂蜜也搅拌均匀. 5) 最后, 加入以过筛的粉类分两次加入, 使用手与盆低磨擦按...

冬至到了..祝诸位快乐团圆....Winter Solstic Festival


Pumpkin ondeh-ondeh-南瓜椰丝球

上次买好大一粒南瓜, 冰箱里现在还有一些存货. 想要怎样把它消了.  先前做了南瓜金龟糕再来南瓜七枫蛋糕, 南瓜蒸包...^^现在是 Ondeh-Ondeh~ 喜欢Ondeh-Ondeh的柔软的皮, 里面香甜的豆沙, 外面还滚上多汁的椰丝...好吃..:) ~大小刚刚好一粒一口~ Ondeh-Ondeh Ingredients:材料: skin:皮: 100g glutinous flour..糯米粉 50g pumpkin - steamed and mashed  南瓜-蒸熟, 压成泥 1 tbsp oil..食油 1/2 tbsp sugar...糖 50ml water...水 some red bean paste...豆沙馅 some grated coconuts add a pinch of salt 椰丝加少许盐 To do:做法: 1) Mixed mashed pumpkin, oil, sugar and water together to combine. 把南瓜泥, 食油, 糖, 水拌均匀. 2) Make a well in the middle of the glutinous flour and pour (1) in and mixed into a soft  dough. (If you find it is too dry do add a little water.) 把糯米粉中间挖个洞, 把(1)倒入拌成团.(可加少许水如果太干) 3) Pinch a small piece of the dough, roll it round, flatten it, wrap into a piece of red bean  paste and sealed neatly. Repeat doing the same until all the dough is use up. 拿一小块米团, 搓圆, 按平, 包入豆沙馅再封口. 4) Boil a big pot of water, when the water is rolling boil, drop the ondeh-ondeh in. When the ondeh-on...

Baby Kenden's full moon~小Kenden的弥月之喜

时间过的真的很快,一下子一个月就过去了。侄女上月刚分娩了,是个男儿.  今天(19/11)满月了,请满月酒。宝宝很可爱,看他时,他在睡觉,睡的好甜好甜,不舍得吵醒他。他那睡的甜甜的小脸蛋然我想起我的三个宝贝小时候也是那么吸引我。。哈哈 每每看到小baby,就让我想起我那三个宝贝小时候。虽然他们小baby的时候让我们(老公和我)忙的不可开交, 不过。。真的很享受那过程。相信吗? 只要享受生命的每一段过程你将不会有遗憾。好啦~好啦~我要跟你分享今天的主人。。baby mickey。。 ~这是个9"x 12"的海绵蛋糕23cm x 28cm ~ 用了海绵蛋糕体做了这生日蛋糕。中间夹了鲜奶油,再拉了奇异果酱条,增加果香味。 蛋糕体材料: (a) 240克 sponge mix 4 粒蛋 60毫升 鲜奶 (b)60毫升 玉米油/溶化奶油 做法: 1)预热烤箱180度才。把所有(a)料打至发泡乳白色便可。 2)倒入蛋糕卷方盘(铺上一层蛋糕纸) 3)烤18-20分钟,取出待冷。 **我这蛋糕需要2片这海绵蛋糕。 装饰材料: 50g 溶化巧克力 400ml 植物鲜奶油-打法备用 Jelly bean 糖果 少许-颜色随意 少许蓝色素和黄色素 做法: 1)把一片海绵蛋糕放在蛋糕板上抹上打法鲜奶油再拉上奇异果酱丝后再层上另一片海绵但糕。 2)再把整个蛋糕抹上鲜奶油,再抹平滑。 3)把你喜爱的图形画再牛油纸上备用。再把溶化巧克力装进挤花袋,沿着图形的边把溶化巧克力挤上,待冷。 4)等巧克力凝固後就可以印在蛋糕上。 5)把鲜奶油加上需要的颜色,就可以装进挤花袋。蛋糕的装饰和挤花都是随意的, 就ok了. *******

香菇卤肉饭vs自制面条....Braised mushroom and mince meat in soy sauce with rice vs homemade noodles

Saw this special dish from Sally 's blog . She is a awesome person with lots of yummy food in her blog.  This dish I saw it is very simple but really delicious. You can get the ingredients any time of the day in the house...I don't know you ...but for me I usually have all of them at home...:p ~I cooked this dish and paired it with my home made noodle(ban mian).. 我学煮了这道料理配上我的自制面条(板面)~ ~yummy braised mince meat in soy sauce ... 好好吃的卤肉碎料理~ 来自 Sally (食谱参考:月亮) 材料: 肉碎,马铃薯,虾米,蒜茸,小红葱头,香菇(泡软,切粒) I ngredients: mince meat, potatoes, dried shrimp, shallots, mushroom (soaked and cubed) 腌料: 酱油,蚝油,糖,绍兴酒,麻油,黑酱油,胡椒粉 Seasonings: soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, sesame oil, dark soy sauce, pepper 做法: 1)肉碎用酱油,蚝油,糖,绍兴酒,麻油,黑酱油,胡椒粉。(腌一腌) 2)小红蔥頭和虾米切碎。马铃薯煮软,切小块备用。 3)熱油鍋,爆香蒜米和小红葱头,加入虾米和香菇粒炒香。 2)加入腌了的肉碎,稍微炒一下。 3)然后加入水,稍微盖过肉。 4)慢火焖至汁浓稠,加入煮软的马铃薯拌炒一下,试味道,最后用生粉加些水,勾芡, 煮滚,熄火。吃时拌入白饭或煮熟的面条即可。 To do: 1) Add seasonings to marinate the mince meat for some tim...

Switch up of a Oatmeal bread loaf ~ 'Mochi' bread loaf??...^^ 另一个燕麦面包条的版本...Mochi面包条??

Sometimes...I may not follow recipe directly. I may plus or minus or even change a little to the recipe I have. Sometimes the result comes out great and sometimes really a disaster...:p The whole thing maybe too soft, too hard or not rising and this  is the risk of not following your recipes...:p Again, naughty me not following my recipe. This time, not following recipe is because one of my ingredient is not enough to the amount for my recipe needed. ~After proofing for 40 minutes~ This is the switch up of this recipe Oatmeal bread loaves. to Mochi bread...not the originally KOrean or Japan Mochi bread but its my style....haha Ingredients: 310ml water 4 tbsp brown sugar 1 tsp salt 100g oatmeal flour 350g bread flour 50g glutinous rice flour 2 tbsp milk powder 35g butter 2 tsp instant yeast  To do method, please get from here... oatmeal bread loaf ~ Can't wait to try see how the bread, so didn't take the whole loaf...

Purple Sweet Potato Bread Loaves ~~紫薯面包条..:)

 Doesn't this purple colour look is natural food colour somemore...^^ I love to make bread with natural ingredients, that is why I learn how to DIY my own bread. When you have kids, you will hope to get the best and natural or even organic ingredients to make delicious food for them. You will be like me, hope they get the best out of the food...^^ right??  Hope you have the same opinion as me....XD.. Today I am going to make Purple Sweet Potatoes loaves again...Come on let learn together...:) ~Washed and steamed the sweet potatoes with skin on~   ~Swirl look of the purple sweet potato slices~ soft it is...:D~ Purple Sweet Potato Loaves Ingredients: 150ml fresh milk 150ml water 35g steamed and mashed purple sweet potatoes 40g extra steamed purple sweet potatoes ~ for making the swirl effects 4 tbsp castor sugar 1 tsp salt 500g bread flour 35g butter 2 tsp instant yeast *3 x loaf pans (20c...