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Showing posts from October, 2014

Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes (香料南瓜杯子蛋糕)

啦啦啦。。啦啦!啦啦啦! 啦啦啦。。啦啦!啦啦啦! 小拇指第三浪潮来了! 南瓜小杯蛋糕( 杯子蛋糕 ) ~ 虽然小拇指活动接近尾声但也要让它过的 精彩和充满回忆呢!! Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes La,la,, la!!! La,la,la ,,la, la!! Ola! Ola! This is the third wave of LTU~pumpkin month featuring Pumpkin Cupcakes. LTU event is coming to an end tomorrow. Zoe and I would like to THANK all our bloggers friends for sharing all your lovely cook and bake to LTU. Another big big THANKS to Eileen for being such a awesome host. Our LTU ~ PUMPKIN month.  香料南瓜纸杯蛋糕~ 味道还不错!松松,软软还带点湿。。好吃!配咖啡最棒呢! 糖份减的最低,甜度刚刚好! This spiced pumpkin cupcake is good!! We have it just with a shake of icing sugar on top and with a cup of warm beverage. It is soft , moist and fudgy. The sugar   have   been  reduce  to the sweetness we prefer, not too sweet, just nice. These cupcakes a having a small parade here. Each of the cupcakes a holding their little alphabet flags ready. Oops!! but not sitting in the right place..:p 南瓜杯子蛋糕...

Pumpkin Light CheeseCake (南瓜轻乳酪蛋糕)

很久没烘乳酪蛋糕了。 很想吃就快快动手做了这个南瓜口味的。 看看你会不会也像我们一样喜欢这个口味的呢!! 算算我一共扛了5粒小南瓜回家了。。还好宝贝们都爱南瓜烘焙出来的成品。 A few days ago, the conversation started like.... Man: Mummy, we have not eaten a cheesecake for a long time? Boy: Mummy, daddy is right, we have not had a cheesecake since !!! Second boy: Make a pumpkin one. Mum: Why make pumpkin one? Second boy: Your LTU have been carrying 5 little pumpkins home since last two weeks. Mum: ...LOL Of course I quickly whipped up a PUMPKIN cheesecake.. 蛋糕的表面有点鄒鄒不过好好吃 The cake shrink quite a bit but it is still very delicious. See the orangey little dots hiding in the is the pumpkin 有看到那橙黄色的南瓜点点躲在蛋糕里呢! Overall it a soft, fluffy and moist cheesecake with very very light taste of pumpkin. Pumpkin Light CheeseCake Recipe adapted from "Cake Talk (蛋糕密语) by Wendy Kor Make a 7 inches square cake Ingredients: 125g cream cheese 30g butter 60g milk 3 egg yolks 50g mashed pumpkin 25g corn flour ...

Pumpkin Vegetarian Steam Buns (南瓜包子)

This is a soft and fluffy pumpkin steam bun.  In chinese we called it bao zi '包子'  I never make vegeterian filling steam bao zi before. Last week i made some wholemeal bao zi*  for my youngest to bring to school as snack. His teacher 'Mrs Singh' is a vegetarian ask me if i could make some bao zi with vegetable fillings only, I am ever happy to make some for her. *(will share in my next post) I made these pumpkin skin bao zi into vegetarian steam buns. A few days later i made some pumpkin bao zi with vegetable fillings and sent 4 of them to Teacher Singh. She loves it!! Yay!!  Soft and fluffy skin with loaded vegetarian filling .. I steamed them in a wok with a big piece of cloth wrapping the wok cover to prevent vapor form dripping onto the bao zi. (here) Pumpkin Vegetarian Steam Buns  Recipe adapted from '包 PAUS' by Coco Kong  Makes 14  Ingredients for steam bun skin: A. (mixed just prior to using) 2 tsp instant yeast 1...

Pumpkin Pancake (南瓜松饼)

早安!!早安!!懒散的早晨,做这种简单有营养的早餐最好不过了!! 南瓜松饼,我家的宝贝们的最爱!我想您也会喜欢呢! Good morning!! What can you prepare on a lazy morning? ^_^  Something nice, easy and filling. It is fun too! Try this pumpkin pancake, your family will love it as much as we do. Eat it with honey, My youngest and second would love it BUT.. my eldest would love it just on its own .plain! It is fluffy and spongy, just the way we love it! Can you see the little orangy dots on the pancake? It is pumpkin.. Pumpkin Pancake (南瓜松饼) Recipe adapted here Makes 10-12 pcs  This is a sure success pancake. Ingredients: (a) 1 egg 125ml fresh milk 2 Tbsp sugar 50 g mashed pumpkin  (b) 125g plain flour 2 tsp baking powder (c) 15g/1 tbsp butter ~ melted Method: 1) Whisk milk, egg and sugar in a bowl until it is a little forthy.Add in mashed pumpkin. 2) In another bowl sieve baking powder and plain flour together. Add (b) into (a), mixed well. Add another tabl...

Pumpkin Bread (南瓜面包)

   This is a soft and spongy pumpkin bread. Really!! It feels like a little soft  这是个很柔软的南瓜面包。感觉柔软像是个小枕头是的。。。 用来当汉堡面包或是只抹上果酱都好好吃!!  Be it a burger bun, dinner roll or just spread it with any jam it is simply delicious!!  My boys like it as a burger buns and my hubby love to spread it with thick layer of peanut butter spread...YUM! Pumpkin Bread  Recipes adapted from a chinese baking book '63 种吃了会笑的手作面包和多拿滋 by Horie Noriko Method: Straight dough Makes 10 buns  Ingredients: 100g pumpkin (steamed and mashed) 70ml water 60ml milk 20g castor sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp honey 250g bread flour and some extra for dusting 1 tsp instant yeast 20g butter   To Do: Put all the above ingredients except butter into the mixing bowl  and mixed into a rought dough. Add in butter, knead till dough is smooth and elastic. Rolled round, put in a oiled bowl covered with cling foil. Let it ri...

Pumpkin Jam(金瓜果酱)

南瓜,南瓜,我爱你!哈哈! Eileen 的南瓜蜜月不就是因为大伙都爱上南瓜吗?呵呵! Zoe, Eileen 和我谢谢,大伙无私的分享,把‘小拇指说好’活动搞得非常热闹!!感恩!! Its the Pumpkin Honeymoon month instead of ‘Pumpkin’ Halloween month for LTU!! Zoe and I would like to thank to all blogger friends who shared and linking their fabulous Pumpkin recipes to Little Thumbs Up, October, Pumpkin theme month. Today i am going to share our pumpkin breakfast!! 南瓜果酱/ 咖椰醬和 。 。 。 。 。 Pumpkin Jam/Kaya and ...  Pumpkin Kaya or Jam?? No eggs is added in this pumpkin kaya. It is simple to prepare actually. Just steam the pumpkin, mashed it add sugar and pandan leaves. Blend into puree and cooked until it is thicken.  没蛋只是南瓜泥, 糖和 南瓜松饼... ^_^ Pumpkin Pancake   是今天的早餐和我家宝贝们带去学校的点心。 Breakfast for today Pumpkin Kaya and Pumpkin Pancake.. ^_^ Will share my pumpkin pancake tomorrow... Stay tuned!!  Blend or liquidize it,   add pandan leaves and cook it, Done!! EAT Pumpkin Kaya 金瓜 咖 椰...