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Pleasant Goat Buns (喜洋洋面包) Best Recipes For Everyone #8, Fun with Almond - April 2015

First of all, i would like to thank Fion from XuanHom's Mom Kitchen Dairy for giving me this opportunity to host for Best Recipes For Everyone event for April month 2015. My theme for this month is 'Fun with Almond' 

Almond is a very health kind of food/nut. Almonds also give healthy and tasty flavor additon to cook and bake be it sweet or savory. Fortunately this delicately flavored and versatile nut is available throughout the year. Although packed almond are available anytime of the year but they are the freshest in mid-summer which is when  it is the height of their season. 

Do you know that almond contains good fat (mono-unsaturated fat) that is the same type as the one found in olive oil which associated to reduced risk of heart disease. Vitamin E in almonds act as a antioxidant, eat more your look younger inside out. Eat more almond/nuts also lower the risk of weight gain. Yes, in fact people who ate nuts twice a weeks, were less likely to gain weight then those who never ate nuts. (for more information of almond and healthy please visit here)

I remembered when i am pregnant i am craving to eat. Eat what?? Anything because i just want to eat  :p BUT i don't want to get fat after that. So I chose to eat nuts. I ate almonds instead of other food. I am glad i made the right choice.

Adding a little nuts (almond) in your daily diet will gain you a healthier life.Why wait??
You are welcome to share with us your cook or bake that have almond as one of your ingredient. Please join us and link your post to the little blue frog at InLinkz below this post.


Our daily breakfast normally is bread. Be it a loaf or buns we love our bread :D Today i am sharing one of my favorite streusel and buttermilk buns. I wanted to make the buns into a  more interesting appearance by shaping it into a goat. This year is goat year, why not let us have a Pleasant Goat buns.

喜洋洋面包; 香香的香酥粒

Pleasant Goat Buns (喜洋洋面包)
Make 10 buns
Method: Straight dough
Shaping idea refer from here
Recipe for dough here

285 g bread flour
30 g cake flour (i used all purpose flour)
125ml milk
75ml whipping cream
1/2 egg (break an egg into a bowl lightly beaten and take out about 32 g)
40 g castor sugar
1 1/4 tsp dry yeast
1 tsp salt(if you wanted to add milk powder just deduct 15g bread flour and add in 15g milk powder)

Buttermilk filling: 
(please view my other buttermilk buns with crumbles top here)
Ingredients:125g butter120g castor sugar (change to 80 if you want less sweet)150g milk powder (i used Fern leaf instant)80g flour
To Do:Beat butter and sugar till just combine. Add in milk powder, mixed well, then add in flour and combine well.
Streusel topping:
22 g butter 
15 g castor sugar
30 g flour
10 g almond meal

To Do:
Soften butter, add in castor sugar, flour and almond meal. Rub with your hands till it assemble fine crumbs. 

Glaze1 yolk mix with 1 tbsp milk
To do dough:
  1. Grease or lined 2 baking tray with parchment paper. 
  2. Put milk, whipping cream, egg, flour, milk powder, salt, sugar and yeast into the bread pan. In Noxxa multi function bread maker i use 'pIzza dough' mode. (it take 55 minutes included the first proofing time) If you are using a mixer to mix the dough, just mixed the dough until it is elastic and smooth. Rolled it round and let it proof in a oiled bowl for 40 to 50 minutes or untill it is double in size.
  3. Remove dough from bread pan, punch down to expel air. Divide dough into  portions and rolled round.
  4. On a lightly floured surface, flatten the dough and divide into 10 equally pieces. Round them round.  pieces. (For shaping the pleasant goat buns please refer to the tutorial below)
  5. Place the shaped bread onto the prepared baking tray. Covered with cling wrap or a piece of clean cloth and let it proof for about 40 to 50 minutes or till it rises double its size. Glaze the buns with egg mixture. Sprinkle the streusel onto the body of the buns.
  6. Bake in preheated oven at 175C for about 18 minutes.
If you do not have a bread machine, mix the dry ingredients with wet ingredients and knead on medium speed with a stand mixer until the dough is smooth, non sticky, and elastic.
tutorial for shaping this pleasant goat bun

I am submitting this to Best Recipes For Everyone event, "Fun with Almond' April 2015, host by Fion of XuanHom's Mom Kitchen Dairy and co-host by Doreen of my little favourite DIY. 

Please join us in BRFE and  link your post with us in the InLinzk below. Do paste the BRFE badge in your post and do link a recent post, preference this month. 
Let's go Nuts!!! 


  1. Hi Mui Mui,
    That's a good one 'let's go nuts' !
    Cutie喜洋洋面包 you've made ... 1 please ! Hee hee...

  2. mui,好可爱的小绵羊,我可以要一些当下午茶吗?呵呵呵
    谢谢妳愿意接受这个任务,感恩 :)

  3. mui mui, so cuteee!!!!

  4. Your 'meh meh' looks so cute.

  5. Mehhhhhh..... mehhhhh... come hoooommmmeeee to meeeeeeee

  6. Hi Doreen,
    Your buns are so cute and looks yummy!
    I love almonds and will try to join in this month's Best Recipes!

  7. Hi Doreen, Those cutey buns look so adorable .... mehhh!

  8. Hi Doreen,
    I've just linked!
    Have a great week!

  9. This is so there any more left for me???

  10. Hi Doreen,

    Sorry that I have not made anything with almond yet for your event!!! So pai say!!!


  11. Hi Doreen, love your meh meh cute and delicious! So sorry that I haven't link up anything yet but will do that tomorrow as I finally baked something with almond! :D


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