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Soy Milk Marble Ogura Cake (豆奶云石相思蛋糕) LTU October - Soy Bean #2

Shawn request for a Ogura cake last week. Think back i have not baked a Ogura cake for quite a while too.  I baked this Pandan Ogura and this Black tea Ogura months ago. Little Thumbs Up theme for this month is Soy Bean so i am going to baked a Soy Milk Marble Ogura cake ^_^
I used some pandan extract to do the marble in the cake and also get rid of the egg-y smell. I am quite happy :) with the result despite the little crack across the cake :( 


就做了一些调整,试试看效果如何 :D
出乎意料哦, 除了蛋糕有一点裂 ><以外, 成品还算挺满意得!!

It is soft and cottony with pleasant mild soy and pandan aroma.

Love the marble in the cake. It surprises you in each and every slice.

Slight shrink at the side of the cake.

pic a
1. Cut 2 pieces of pandan leaves to infuse into soy milk.
2. Mix oil, egg yolks, whole egg, sugar, soy milk and flour together.
3. Beat egg whites till almost stiff peaks.
4. Pour into a prepared square baking tin.
5. When it is cool, slice it and serve.

Soy Milk Marble Ogura Cake (豆奶云石相思蛋糕)
Adapted from 茄子(Eggplant) in Chinese

4 egg yolks
1 whole egg
45 g canola oil
80 g soy milk ( infused in 2 pieces pandan leaves)
**I mircowave the cut pandan leaves with soya milk for about 30 seconds. Then put the used pounded pandan leaves from C to extracted a lighter pandn juice and sift it. 
75 g cake flour
a pinch of salt

70 g sugar
4 egg whites 
Few drops of white vinegar 

6 pcs pandan leaves, pounded, add in 1 tbsp water to extract the thick pandan juice. Set aside.

To Do:

1. Preheated oven tp 190C. Grease and lined a parchment paper at the bottom of a 7 inches square baking tin. Also prepare another larger baking tin for water bath. (i just get ready a pot of hot water. Put the cake into the larger baking tin and slowly add hot water into the larger cake tin.

2. Part A.. Sift cake flour, add salt and set aside. Mix oil, soy milk, egg yollks, whole egg, sugar and whisk well with a hand whisk. Add in the flour into the mixture, in 2 batches. Lightly whisk in well after each batch. Covered and set a side. (refer pic a -2)

3. Part B.. Beat the egg whites with a hand mixer until soft peaks formed, add in 3 drops of vinegar. Gradualy add in castor sugar, a tablespoon at a time and continue to beat until it is almost stiff peak formed. (refer pic a -3)

4. Fold 1/3 of the beaten egg whites into the flour mixture first, then repeat two more times with the remaining egg whites. Take out 5 tablespoons of the mixture and fold in the extracted thick pandan juice.

5. Pour half of the plain batter into the prepared cake tin , then spoon in the pandan batter scatter onto the plain batter then pour in the remaining plain batter. Use a paring knife make a few swirl. Tap the tin once on the bench top to get rid of any large air bubbles and place the cake tin inside the larger tin with hot water in the oven. Bake  in  water-bath at 190C for 15 minutes and turn to 135C for 45 minutes.

6. Remove cake tin from the oven. Carefully turn out onto a tray (or rack) and let cool completely.  Let the cake cool completely before slicing.

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and me my little favourite DIY  hosted by Mich from Piece of Cake, at this post.

Theme : Soy Bean for Oct 2013

The Little Thumbs Up event starts on first Tuesday of the month until the last day of the month. Please join us! To join, simply cook or bake any recipe with the theme of the month which is Soy Beans for Oct 2013 and link with us at this post anytime until 31st Oct 2013. 
Mich, Zoe and I would like to emphasise that the chosen Soy Beans theme for next month includes soy-related products such as:
- tofu
- tempeh
- soya bean milk
- soya sauce only as main ingredient (minimal 2 tsp)
- miso

So, please do not restrict yourself with just soya beans if you wish to cook or bake for this event. 

Don't forget your thumbs up or display this badge! And make sure that: (1) Your post must be a current post preferably within this month. (2) Please mention Little Thumbs Up in your post and link back to Bake for Happy Kidsmy little favourite DIY or/and Mich from Piece of Cake. For more details, please see this.

What after Oct 2013? Vivian from Vivian Pang's Kitchen will be the next hostess of November 2013 and her theme is Oats!

All the upcoming ingredient themes and hosts for the forthcoming months are listed at "Little Thumbs Up" side bar of my blog and hope that you can join in the fun of this event. Thumbs up! 


  1. what a beautiful cake Mui!!

  2. 好清秀的相思蛋糕!好美好棒!

  3. 我一见就喜欢,这种淡淡的绿色,看了很舒服,

  4. 好漂亮耶^^

  5. 好漂亮咯!好喜。。有给人想吃冲动。哈哈

  6. Hi Mui! Can't tell that there was a crack. Looks soft and yummy!

  7. It look so perfect to the softness of this cake.

  8. Wow, your Ogura cake looks so perfect! Love the soft texture and fluffiness! I'm so craving for a slice right now!

  9. Hi Mui Mui, was thinking of baking soy milk Ogura cake with sesame, but your idea of adding pandan is lovely. Will try this, thanks for sharing.

  10. 我也很久没相思了,也很想相思了。。。

  11. the chubby hand is so cute there, haha! Mui Mui, your xiang si cake is so pretty leh & the texture looks so cottony! Like it very much!

  12. Very pretty leh, I like the marbling effect very much.

  13. Great flavour of your ogura cake! Love the green swirls inside. Me still not confident to bake and share ogura cake recipe. Now admiring yours first. Very pretty!

  14. I can't see any cracks :D It looks perfect to me ! Love the pandan flavor , the aroma and taste sounds divine !

  15. Hi Doreen,

    Your ohura cake looks perfect with no cracks at all. Plus very pretty swirls too :D


  16. Ah Ber, sorry for late visit , I tried using pc to log on your blog but got error, just realized using phone working ok wor, hehehe..your Ogura cake looks good!

  17. Hi,
    It's really a nice cake and my hubby loves Soya cake. I would love to give it a try.

    You mentioned in step 2, Part A to add all the ingredients with sugar but you did not indicate the qty of sugar in the ingredient.

    Please advise.

    BeautyMe Love Recipes

    1. Hi beauty,
      Thanks for compliment! Yes, this is a very nice cake, especially pandan juice is added.

      You can add 1 tbsp of sugar in the yolk batter or you can omit it. I omitted it cause I want it to be 'kurang manis' :p
      (I omitted in the ingredients part and forgot to edit the to do part :p. thanks for showing me my mistake)
      Hope you will love this cake. Happy Baking:)

  18. Hi,
    Finally I found something I am looking for. Glad to bump into yr blog with all the clear direction of this recipe. Have tried other recipe but failed each time. I am hoping to try it soon but need to ask if it is okay to omit the Pandan ?


    A Beginner baker

  19. Hi Berry,
    Welcome to my blog.

    The Pandan is for the nice aroma. You may omit it if you like to add other flavor, like vanilla! Vanilla works well too. Hope you try this. Happy Baking!

    1. Hi Mui Mui,
      Tried your recipe last nite. The cake turned out soft and fluffy but was wet below. The taste however a bit too eggy and not able to taste the soya milk. Did I do something wrong ?

    2. Hi Berry,
      I think you did it right. Since you mention the cake is soft , fluffy and moist but mine had no eggy taste. Lol.
      This is a steam bake cake so it is more to moist side. Maybe you can let the cake invert for 5 minutes after taking out of the oven. Later you can un-mould it, tear away the bottom parchment paper and invert it again till it is cool to slice. This will keep the cake bottom more dry.
      As for the soya milk taste it is very mild. That is why I uses Pandan leaves to add aroma to the cake. May be you can use some stronger flavor that you like to replace Pandan. Coffee, chocolate, orange, green tea or vanilla works well too.
      Hope my answer does give you a clue about the cake.
      Thanks for trying this out :)


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