I am kind of curious with this Vietnamese classic appetizer or party food. It is seasoned shrimp paste (my family is a big fan of shrimp :D) wrapped around a stick of sugarcane, then steamed to firm the paste, shape and grilled to finish. The sugarcane act as a skewer to hold the shrimp paste while grilling and the sugarcane is not easily burnt while cooking. This appetizer is full of flavor between savory and sweet. After you have eat up the shrimp paste you can chew on the sugarcane to enjoy the sweet sugarcane juice.Want to know how does it taste...I have to prepare it and taste it, which i did :D The old fashion way, they uses the mortat and pestle to pounded the shrimp chopped coasre pieces into paste but now the modern way we can use the food processor, In just a few blizt it is done. It is ready to mixed and shape on the sugarcane stick. It is really g...