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Black Tea Ogura Cake ~ AB #30 It's tea time (红茶相思蛋糕)

This is my .... lose count of how many times since my first attempt to bake Ogura cake. I am falling in love with the texture of the cake. 
相思蛋糕...是不是吃了就会对这蛋糕念念不忘呢!! 我想是了!
当第一次做这蛋糕时, 还在想不知这蛋糕有什么特别!! 做了就爱上了这蛋糕. 蛋糕体很幼,很柔软也很棉密, 还可以变化不同口味呢!! 

Full of black tea aroma. Have a piece of cake with a cup of English Breakfast black tea..Mmm...
蛋糕有淡淡的茶香, 吃起来很好吃. 吻起来很舒服!!

Lipton  'English Breakfast'  (black tea)

Brew the tea bag/ sachet with hot water and let it steep for 2-3 minutes.

Black Tea Ogura  Cake 
recipe source: corner cafe  with my modification in purple
Makes one 20cm/7 inches cake (I am using a 22cm/8 inches baking tray)

Cotton Sponge Cake:
Part A:

85g cake flour
15g custard powder (i used corn flour)

1/4 teaspoon salt

55g canola oil

70g milk (i used 50ml black tea from 1 sachet of Lipton English Breakfast (black tea) brew in 50ml of hot water and balance 20ml i used milk)

5 egg yolks
1 whole egg
30g icing mixture (confectioners’ sugar) (i did not add this)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract)(i replace this with 1 teaspoon black tea leaves taken from the same sachet of Lipton English Breakfast (black tea) before brewing the sachet in hot water)

Part B:
5 egg whites
70g caster sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar (i used 1 tsp lemon juice)

1/4 quantity mock cream
(i change the boiling water to black tea)

To Do:
1. Preheat oven to 150°C. Grease and line a tall 20cm (at least 6cm tall) square cake tin. Get another tin that is slightly larger than the cake tin and fill it with hot water (be very careful when doing this, don’t burn yourself!) – place the cake tin inside the larger tin, and carefully fill the larger tin with hot water to come up about halfway up the sides of the cake tin; you need to press the cake tin down to measure the water level as it will float. Remove cake tin and set aside; place the larger tin with hot water into the preheating oven.
(i just get ready a pot of hot water. Put the cake into the larger cake tin and slowly add hot water into the larger cake tin)

2. Part A... Sift cake flour, custard powder (i used corn flour) and salt 3 times and set aside. Mix oil, milk, egg yolks, whole egg, vanilla and icing sugar, and whisk well to combine. Sift the flour mixture, in about 3 to 4 batches, into the egg mixture and lightly whisk in well after each batch. Set aside.

3. Part B... With an electric beater, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peaks formed. Gradually add in caster sugar, a tablespoon at a time, and continue to beat until stiff peaks formed. (i beat mine until reaching stiff peak - medium stiff peak)

4. Fold 1/3 of the beaten egg whites into the flour mixture first, then repeat two more times with the remaining beaten egg whites.

5. Pour batter into the prepared cake tin. Tap the tin once on the bench top to get rid of any large air bubbles and place the cake tin inside the larger tin with hot water in the oven. Bake this in  water-bath for about 1 hour. (i baked mine for 55 minutes)

6. Remove cake tin from the oven, give it another tap on the bench top then leave it for 5 minutes to cool down slightly. Carefully turn out onto a tray (or rack) lined with tea towel, discard lining paper then flip cake over to a cooling rack so it is right-side up and let cool completely.

7. Let the cake cool completely before slicing the cake horizontally into two halves and spread a generous amount of mock cream. Sandwich the two slices of cake together. Cut with a serrated knife and serve.

**This is cake is so light, cottony and the taste of tea leaves is wonderful. 

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #30 : it's Tea time! (April 2013) 
hosted by Food Playground.


  1. 我还打算明天假期可以做一个相思蛋糕。可是口味还不决定。

  2. i cannot remember, is this your first ogura cake? i see so many of you making ogura cake..i dont know when will i be making one ...

  3. Seem like recently the Ogura cake is in fever again and everyone is baking this and in different flavour. Yours look really perfect.

  4. 我来吃美味的相思蛋糕,当然也要香香的红茶。你的相思做得好棒啊!

  5. 我还没做过相思蛋糕呢。。。已经bookmarked了很久,就是还没动手。

  6. 你家的相思真的很漂亮哦!我的失败了。。。

  7. See that the texture is very soft...

  8. Mui mui

  9. Your ogura cake looks perfectly-baked ! Lovely texture and flavor :)

  10. Love your cake, mui mui! I will have more than one slice :)

  11. I love how soft and beautiful it is. Shall give this recipe a try sometime.

  12. Mui Mui,I love ogura cake and yours looks perfectly baked!!!!

  13. Mui Mui, your ogura cake looks so pretty. I don't think my baking skill is up to this level yet, haha!

  14. I am in love with ogura cakes too lol! this is another lovely flavor to try! bookmarking it:D

  15. aiyo Mui Mui, I how to on diet with so much tempting around lol.

  16. Hi Mui Mui, very well baked ogura cake, so cottony soft. I would love to have a cup of tea and 2 slices of cake, please! LOL


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