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Crumbed Boxing Drumlets 脆香锤锤

My boys was excited to know that i am cooking fried chicken for them again. They just can't wait to taste these crumbed boxing drumlets. i just tell them it is boxing chicken.

Sam:     Mum, What's for dinner today?
Mum:     i'm cooking Aunty Vic's fried chicken boxing.
Sam:      YAY! Fried chicken !!! but why it is called boxing chicken?? Can the chicken box?
Mum:     Because it look like a fist that would punch you..haha!
Sam:      lol...
Seanan: Mum, but who is Aunty Vic? Is she pretty?
Mum:     She is mummy's blogger friend. oh yes, she is VERY pretty!
Seanan: Oh! Pretty girl always cook very tasty food, mum hor!!
Mum:     Yes, she is a great baker and and she cook very well too. 
Shawn:  Hmmm..its the boxing chicken ready yet?

After tasted they all love the drumlets. 
 Shawn:  Mum, Its crispy and taste good!
     Sam:  Mum,  i love the juicy meat!
Seanan:  Mum, thumb up for Aunty Vic!
    mum:  How about me? 
Seanan:  Mum, i give 2 thumbs up!! (he hug me with his oily hands)
    mum:  lol
Thanks Victoria for the wonderful recipe.

The first piece of drumlet was terrible, the heat of the oil was too high, once the drumlet was drop in the oil it turn dark, it almost burnt. I quickly took it out and guess what my boys said..
Mum, is this the Nigeria boxing chicken (its burnt)
i learn from mistake, i did it slowly and steady later. Bring hot oil to boil, drop in the ready coated drumlets, turn to low heat immediately. (i should have read the instruction from Vic carefully. Luckily on i drumlet goes to Nigeria) See how nice and golden it is ^_^


Sam:  咪!今晚吃啥?(他常陪伴公公看中国电视剧又ai看卡通‘熊出没‘就学到他们的口语)
咪:      炸Aunty Vic强推的炸鸡-脆香锤锤。(在忙着。。)
Sam:   哇!炸鸡!但为什么叫锤锤呢?
咪:       因为外形像吗?还会锤人呢。。哈哈!
Seanan:  咪, 谁是Aunty Vic, 她会美的吗?
咪;:          她呀!当然美呀!
Seanan:  喔! 美美的都会煮的好好吃!
咪:           还有她的面包特很美又好吃!
Shawn:   可以吃了吗?

第一支炸的不好看,我的宝贝们说像‘非洲鸡翅’, 因为黑黑的 :(

 Shawn:  外脆脆,味道好好,好吃!
     Sam:  肉嫩嫩,有汁, 好吃!
Seanan: 咪! 我要给Aunty Vic一个大拇指!
          咪: 啊! 哪咪呢?
Seanan: 我给你两个小拇指!(说着说着,就用他那两支油油的小手包我。。晕~ )

Boxing Chicken 脆香锤锤
Recipe adapted from  Victoria Bakes
makes 10

10 drumlets

Seasoning: (feel free to adjust the seasoning to your personal preference; mine is simply)
1/2 tsp salt 
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper

For coating:
1 egg-lightly beaten
1/2 cup plain flour (i use flour cause run out of corn flour :p  )
1 cup bread crumbs (i used home made) 
(I always store my left over bread in slices in a zip lock bag into the freezer. When i need bread crumbs i just took a slice and grate it with a grater. I like the result from grating. It is not too fine, it is more to coarse which i like :p )

To Do: 
1. Season the chicken drmettes with salt and freshly ground black pepper for at least 2 hours.
2. Cut and shape the drumettes as below pictorial.

1..Get ready a drumette and a sharp knife
2..Start from the small side of the drumette; cut around the bone to loosen the skin
3..Gently scrape the meat away from the bone
4..Put down the meat and the skin together.
5..Shape  it into a ball by grab with your palm and thumbs.
3. Coat the drumettes as pictorial below and deep fried till cook and golden brown.

1. The drumettes are ready to be coat with flour,egg and bread crumbs.
2. Coat it with plain flour, (3) it all ready coated with flour.
4. Coat it with egg.
5. Coat it with bread crumbs.
6. Fry it in hot oil. (gently drop in the hot, then immediately switch to low heat and fry till it is cook and golden brown.) Drain on wire rack with paper towel and serve immediately.


This post is linked to the event; Little Thumbs Up organised by 
Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and me my little favourite DIY, hosted by
 Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe
with her April 2015 theme - CHICKEN
Please link your post - here

Little Thumbs Up event starts on first Tuesday until the last day of the month.   All are welcome to join us.
To join simply cook or bake any recipe with the theme of the month, which is Chicken for  2015. April; Don't forget your Thumbs Up or display this badge. Do make sure that:
1) Your post must be a current post, preferably within this month
2) Please mention Little Thumbs Up in your post and link back to Bake for Happy Kidsmy little favourite DIY or/and DomesticGoddessWannabe
For more details please see this


  1. Ahahahahaha!! Aiyoyoyo.. My pretty Mui Mui.. I came to ur site to load almond cc... Then saw my name... Thank u ar... 大家都是美女。。。。越老越有味儿哈

  2. Hi Doreen,

    Your boys are so cute... showing their greasy thumbs up to our aunty VIC!!!

    I'm feeling excited for the boys too and believe these "boxing" chicken must be really thumby good!!! :D


  3. Hi Mui,
    Love your post .... love the conversations you & your boys had.
    Yeah thumbs up ! to Victoria & you for sharing & making yummy-licious Boxing Chicken. Can I have one pls ^-^!

  4. 孩子好窝心哦~❤
    香脆锤锤好诱人~妈咪好棒! Vic这食谱我也Bookmark起来了,看来找一天要动手了^^

  5. Mui, 你与宝贝们的对话真可爱, 还有这道锤锤很讨人喜欢。

  6. wow looks good - I'll give u thumbs up too! :)

  7. Not your boys can't resist these boxing drumlets, aunty like me too. Wondering if I can get the chicken seller to prepare the wings this way for me when I buy the chicken wings from him. I remembered at a time, he removed the skin from the wings for me.

  8. Thumbs up for both of you, Vic and Mui ... lol

  9. Cute conversations between you and your boys, and best, mummy had fried such delicious drumlets which earned a big thumbs up! Both my thumbs up for you and Vic!

  10. 好可爱的孩子,好用心的妈咪,好温馨的画面!


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