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Tuna Pasta Bake (Bake Along #66) .. 金枪鱼芝士焗螺絲粉

Love this tuna pasta bake by Annabel Karmel. It is easy and  most of all i can get all the ingredients in my fridge and pantry. Most importantly it is delicious!! Sam was excited when i told him that i am going to cook Tuna Pasta Bake.
Sam: Mum, can i have a bowl of my own?
Mum: I am going to bake all in a ovenproof dish dear.
Sam: Pleaseeee... i want a bowl of my own AND i want that yellow bowl.
Mum: ........
Tuna Pasta Bake in a yellow ovenproof bowl as per Sam's request ^_^

This can be prepared a day ahead, cover with aluminiun foil and keep in the fridge. Just sprinkle on parmesan cheese, heat through in the mircowave and baked it in the oven till the top is golden and serve.

There is 3 parts that need to prepare for this Tuna Pasta Baked.

First, cooked the pasta. Bring a large saucepan of salted water to boil. Add pasta and cook, stir often ensure they don't stick together, for 8 minutes or until tender but still firm to the bite. Drain.

Second, prepare the tuna and tomato sauce. The recipe call for tinned cream of tomato soup which i don't have in the pantry but i replace it with tomato puree and tomato ketchup mixture. I use 80ml of tomato puree and 2 Tbsp of tomato ketchup mix with 350ml of water- this is my tomato puree and tomato ketchup mixture :p Cooking the tuna and tomato sauce is simple. Just saute the chopped onion with butter (i use olive oil) till it transculent.  I added 3 tbsp of chopped leek, stir-fry till its color turn darker. Then stir in tomato puree and tomato ketchup with cornflour solution (mixed cornflour and water in a measuring cup then add in tomato and tomato ketchup mixture)  Add in mixed herbs and freshly chopped parsley (i used dried ones) cook, stirring over low heat for about 2-3 minutes. Then add in the tuna flakes. Lastly season with a pinch of salt and freshly grated black pepper.

McCormick dried mixed herbs and parsley. This dried ones is very handy when you need them.
The ingredients for this tuna pasta bake.
Pour tuna and tomato sauce onto cooked pasta and mixed.
Spoon into oven proof bowls or dish, I spooned mine into 3 ovenproof bowls and a small rectangle ovenproof dish.
Pour cheesy mushroom sauce (i omit mushroom). Cover the pasta with cheesy mushroom sauce, sprinkle over the grated parmesan. Heat through in an preheated oven or mircowave, then brown the top under a preheated grill.


Tuna Pasta Bake
recipe from book of Annabel's Kitchen by Annabel Karmel

Makes 6 portions

200g fusilli pasta (i used 400g spiral pasta)
3 Tbsp freshly grated parmesan cheese (i used packed grated parmesan)

Tuna and tomato sauce
20g butter (i used oilve oil)
1 small onion
1 Tbsp cornflour
120ml water
400ml tinned cream of tomato soup ( i used 80 ml tomato puree and 3 Tbsp tomato ketchup mix with 350ml water)
1/2 tsp mixed herb
1 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped (i used dried parsley)
300g oil tinned tuna
3 Tbsp chopped leek

Cheesey mushroom sauce
1 small onion
40g butter
100g brown cap mushroom (i omit)
2 tbsp plain flour
300ml milk
60g cheddar cheese grated (i used packed grated cheddar cheese)

To Do:
  •  First cook tthe pasta accodding to the packet instructions. Meanwile, to make the tomato and tuna sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan (i used olive oil) and saute the chopped onion until it is soften but not coloured. Stir the cornflour into the water, then mix it with the tomato puree and tomato ketchup mixture / tomato soup in a large measuring jug. Pour this mixture into the saucepan with the sauteed onion.
  • Add the mixed herbs and parsley and cook, stirring, over a low heat for about 3 minutes. Mix in the tuna and heat through. Season with a little freshly grated black pepper.

  • To make the cheesy/ mushroom (if used) sauce, fry the onion in the butter until soft, then add in flour continue stirring for a minute. When it's well mixed, gradually add milk, strring to prevent lumps. Cook continue stirring until the mixture is slightly thickened and smooth. Remove from the heat and sitr in cheese. Season to taste. (I added 11/2 tsp of salt)

  • Mix the tomato and tuna sauce with drained pasta and spoon into a large ovenproof dish. Cover with the cheesy sauce/ mushroom (if used) sauce then sprinkle over the grated Parmesan. Hest through in an oven pre-heated to 180C or microwave then finish off under a pre-heated grill until lightly golden.

Also linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (July 2014, Potato organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and me, my little favourite DIY, hosted by Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe Please link your post HERE!!

Little Thumbs Up (August)

Theme - FLOUR
Please join us!! To join, simply cook or bake any recipe with the theme of the month which is FLOUR for August 2014 and link with us at this post anytime until 31th August 2014 .

欢迎大家参与。参与的方法很简单,您只需要准备一道跟本月主题 麵粉有关系就可以参与了!
Feel free to display Little Thumb Up badge! Do make sure your post must be a current post peferably within this month. Please also mention Little Thumbs Up in your post and link back to Bake for Happy Kids, my little favourite DIY or/and Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe For more detail, please see this
请用上'小拇子的标签!切记您的贴子必需是本月的新作品噢!也请把您的贴link回到Bake for Happy Kids, my little favourite DIY 和 Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe.
Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe will be the next hostess of August 2014 which is this month and her theme is FLOUR! Little Thumbs Up event starts on the first Tuesday of August 2014 (5th Aug) until the last day of the month. If you are wondering what kind of flour you can use to participate this event, please check out this message from Diana...

"Flour is an essential ingredient in my kitchen as per Zoe's word "many of your kitchen too has this ingredients :D ;D It is the base of pastas and noodles, cakes and biscuits, or even as thickening agents in the making of a roux. The list of food items made using flour is endless. As such, we will be limiting the theme to mainly Wheat Flour, namely:
  • All-Purpose (also known as Plain) Flour
  • Bread Flour
  • Cake Flour
  • Self-raising Flour
  • Pastry Flour
  • Wholemeal Flour
  • Hong Kong (also known as Waterlily) Flour
  • Superlite Flour
  • Top Flour
You must use one of these flours in its raw form in your recipe and you must use at least 1 tablespoon or 10g of these flours in your cooking /baking

Let's cook and bake and have fun together in this event. Everybody put your thumbs up ^_^

also linking this post to Cook-Your-Book #15
organised by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours

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  1. I want to drink that cheesy mushroom sauce! It looks utterly delicious and comforting.

  2. Looks so easy to make and sounds delicious too! Do you have another yellow bowl? :D

  3. This Tuna Pasta Bake is very delicious ... tomato sauce + cheesy mushroom sauce & some dried herbs plus grated cheddar cheese! Yummy!

  4. Im a big fan of Annabel Karmel..... love all her wonderful recipes. Oh, can make another extra yellow bowl for me please.......please?

  5. 我也要橙色的那碗。。。。 :)

  6. mui mui, Sam is so cute! Even though I don't like cheese, your baked pasta looks so delicious!

  7. 美味的pasta, 是小朋友们的最爱!

  8. Hi Doreen,
    Yum indeed! Looks delicious, and like your little boy, I would want the yellow bowl too! :)
    Thanks for linking!

  9. i also have a few bottles of those dried herbs in my kitchen, indeed very handy to have them around especially it's not so convenient to get fresh herbs nearby. Thanks for linking your delicious tuna baked pasta with us!

  10. Your daughter is so cute!

  11. Hi Doreen,

    Sam is so smart that he wants a bowl of pasta for his own... I can see why he is making such a request! I like to bake my pasta bake in small ramekins too because it has more crust to enjoy!!! hmm... Sam and I are thinking alike :p


  12. I like with a lot of cheese, looks so yummy!

  13. Bake pasta in small bowls is a great idea, thanks to your son, Mui.
    The baked pasta looks so yummy, i want to find a day to try this out. ^^

  14. Hey Doreen this reminds me of the times when I did research for what to cook for my kids when they were littler. Tuna pasta is always a favourite with the kids, and my husband!!

  15. Doreen , I want your sauce for my pasta bake ! It looks really drool-worthy and I could eat pasta for days well , with some dim sum thrown in for good measure lol

  16. Yummy. I like tuna and cheese.

  17. sis, my children love this cheesy baked pasta too!

  18. YUMMY! This will be a hit at my place! My sons LOVE pasta too & they can finish this dish in no time . With even 2nd serving , like always when it comes to pasta ! LOL


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