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Durian cotton cheese cake

Hi, hi, hi, everyone, I hope you have a great day and a great week! I have been MIA for a while again...:p hope that I will not after this .. lols
It's a rainy day here today....We actually have been having shower rain in the morning for this few days. Monday was bad, it was raining the whole day. Tuesday was not too bad, there was some clear sky in the afternoon, Wednesday and yesterday was bad, it was raining the whole day, heavy shower rain. Today is a cloudy day with just a light shower rain. It is cool and nice when doing baking in the kitchen but fetching the kids from school is not that convenience ><~  ...This was drafted last week and it is about last week. How about this week ??  Today is a great sunny day in the morning but in the afternoon there is a light shower rain. Hope that the weather will turn sunny and bright on this Chinese New Year ..

This is the first month for Little Thumbs Up in year 2014. Last year was a great year and I hope this year will be even better ^_^
I would like to apologize to Zoe my baking buddy and Alice (LTU's host for this month) for my delay post :p for Little Thumb Up. 

This is a light cotton cheesecake but I switch it up by adding durian in it. It really does makes a different. It is so good with the durian flavor.  (For those who love DURIAN you must try this ^_^)

Durian cotton cheesecake
Adapted from Wendy Kor Baking Recioes (蛋糕物语-许小翠烘焙小站)


115g cream cheese
1 pc cheddar cheese slice
60g milk
30g butter
30 g corn flour
20g plain flour
60 g blend durian flesh
4 egg yolks

4 egg whites
100g castor sugar ( I use 80g)
2g salt

7" square baking tray

To do:

1) Preheat oven at 150c. Greased and lined a 7 inches round cake tin.
2) Mix cream cheese, milk and butter together, double boil until just melted. Let this cool a little before adding in yolks.
3) Mix in egg yolks to combine and add in corn flour. Set aside.
4) In a clean bowl whisk egg white until it is foamy, adding sugar a little at a time beating until it is medium stiff peak form.
5) Fold yolk batter into (4), do not overmix.
6) Pour mixed batter into the prepared cake tin. Bake cake in water bath
for 55 minutes.
7) Invert the cake once it is out from the oven.

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and me, my little favourite DIY, hosted by Alice from I Love. I Cook. I Bake


Our Little Thumbs Up event starts on first Tuesday until the last day of the month. Please join us! To join, simply cook or bake any recipe with the theme of the month.

What after February 2014?  Little Thumbs Up in February 2014 will have Grace from Life can be simple,  will be the next hostess of Feb 2014 and her theme is LEMON ! All the upcoming ingredient themes and hosts for the forthcoming months are listed at "Little Thumbs Up" side bar of my blog and hope that you can join in the fun of this event. Thumbs up!


and  I'm also submitting this post to Cook-Your-Books #8 hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours


  1. Wow!!!Simply awesome cotton cake.. Looks amazing.

  2. Wow!! Simply awesome cotton cheese cake.. Looks amazing.

  3. 很细密的组织。一定很好吃

  4. Your cotton cake looks perfect!

  5. The cake stand so tall and the texture so cottony soft. I wish I can have few slices now :)

  6. Wow, what a good combination with cheese and durian. Must be very aromatic and tasty what more so soft and spongy. Must try.

  7. Hi Doreen,
    Your cake is perfectly baked! Look at that cottony texture!
    Weather here has been a little cloudy, but no rain for about a week already!
    Some mornings are really cooling!
    Thanks for sharing with CYB!

  8. Hi Doreen,

    I'm guilty for not doing blog visiting much :p No worries if you need a break or not blogging... I'm trying to take things easy too!

    You have made your cotton cake very well... For me, no durian, please!!!!


  9. Doreen , that is one gorgeous cheesecake ! It looks so tall and fluffy ! Never mind that I don't like durian , looking at your photos makes my mouth water *sigh* :D Do you grease your wire rack before putting on the cake ? It's nice that the top of the cake doesn't stick on it and the imprint looks very nice indeed !

  10. OMG! I love durian! Must try! Look so cottony soft indeed! Love love love..... :)

  11. hello, can i used self rising flour? when should add in the durian flesh?

  12. When do you use the cheddar cheese slice?

  13. Hi Winnie,
    You don't need to use self raising flour for this cake. Just add the cheddar cheese slice into the cream cheese when you double boil to melt it.
    Happy Baking.

  14. Superb recipe💪 I have baked it n it's super soft n spongy, flavourful. It came out exactly as shown. Thanks for the recepi 🙏👍👍


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