When i first saw Zoe cooked this i am so interested to give it a go. I know my kids will love it. I know this is quite a big portion for my family so i cooked 1/3 of the recipe and it still took us 2 days to finish it. We all love it and i will definitely cook this again. I matched this Pulled-Pork with my home made English Muffin and Egg Benedict with Hollandaise sauce. That is a awesome breakfast right?? But we have it for lunch :p 这道焖肉超棒呢!! 肉的香和丝丝的口感真的能让你吃上好几口. 把白白的英式小餐包拔开, 夹上一层肉丝再加上水煮蛋再淋上Hollandaise酱料..你想要咬一口吗?? :p 还有还有再加点番茄酱~~~ Pulled-Pork Sandwich ..焖烤肉丝三文治 Home made English muffins..自制白 白的英式小餐 包 Egg Benedict and Pulled pork sandwich between English muffin and top with... 白英式小餐包夹着水煮蛋和肉丝再加上番茄酱, 好吃啊! 这道蛮简单的一道料理. 把猪肉用调味料腌好..(主调味料是番茄酱和牛至-oregano)再放入个厚的钢锅, 加入水把盖,盖好送进烤箱烤上2个半小时. 就可以享用了. 简单吧!! ...Hollandaise sauce ....加上酱料 二宝贝喜欢没酱料的! This is really tasty!!! We are happy with the soft english muffin, tasty pulled-pork and the so...