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Pumpkin steamed buns (Hee Ban) - 南瓜喜粄

Remember my previous post i made steamed pumpkin mantou...I had some left over pumpkin puree in the freezer. I make this pumpkin Hee Ban and pumpkin noodles (will post next).
This pumpkin steamed buns (hee ban) is not much of pumpkin aroma but it is soft with a little chewy. I have also made the pink and the white Hee Ban here
It is simply addictive. Can't stop at one piece but it is like one piece after another..heehee

格友的家都能看到. 好好吃呢!

This is a bit flat, the next time i do this again i will not make it so flat. i like it more round like a bao.. ;P

 食谱是来自QiQi家. 我喜欢她的食谱,做出的喜粄口感较好吃.
谢谢QiQi ^_^

pic A
1)Mixed sponge dough.
2) After 2 hours proofing.
3) All ingredients into bread pan for mixing and keanding.
(mashed pumpkin, sugar, oil, sponge dough, glutinous rice flour and plain flour)
4) Before proof for 20 minutes.
5) After 20 minutes.
6) Done.

Pumpkin Steamed Buns (hee ban)
recipe source: QiQi 

120g pumpkin - peel and steamed
60g glutinous rice flour
30g plain flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
50g sugar
some water (i did not add this)
2 tbsp cooking oil

Sponge dough:
80g plain flour
1 tsp instant yeast
75ml water

some banana leaves ( cut into round shape)
(i cut mine square after steamed then i trim the edges)

To Do:
1) Peel and steamed pumpkin. Mashed into puree.
(i steamed my pumpkin with skin on until cooked and scoop out the flesh from skin and mash)
2) In a mixing bowl, add in the sponge dough ingredients and mixed well. Cover with a polythene bag to let it proof for 1 to 2 hours. 
3) After proofing, add  in baking powder mixed to combine. Then add in the rest of the main dough ingredients (sugar, glutinous rice flour, plain flour, oil and mashed pumpkin) knead into a smooth andsoft dough. (i add all of the ingredients into bread pan and let my bread maker to do the mixing and kneading job) Brush a thin layer of oil on the surface of the dough and let it sit for 10 minutes.
4) Roll the the dough long and divide into 30g each. (i make mine into 50g each) Shape it round then flatten it a little and place on a greased round banana leaf.
5) Let it proof for another 20 minutes. Steam over medium high heat for 10 minutes.

**The dough maybe quite soft and sticky. Oiled your hand while kneading or use disposal ploythene gloves or a plastic spatula to help to manage this sticky dough.

Hope you will enjoy this!!


  1. 我今天有点忧愁,请我吃一片可以吗?

    1. Tracy,

  2. I've eaten some hee ban at Sonia's yesterday , I bet yours is just as yummy :D

  3. Hee pan is certainly a hot choice in the list these days! Yeah, I still remember seeing your pink version of hee pan & I like this pumpkin flavour too!

  4. I think using the sponge method yield softer Hee Pan, will try to add sponge dough next time ..

  5. This is lovely! My kids love eating this kuih! Will have to make this one day! Thanks for sharing!

  6. 我也要做~这太好吃了!!

  7. Looks really fluffy and nice! I have some purple sweet potatoes, maybe make purple version lol!

  8. Mui Mui, this is very addictive, my gal can eat non-stop lol. Yours not flat liao, mine ever flatter leh :P

  9. Would love to give this a try one day. I tried making hee pan previously and it end up turning like a kuih...duh!

  10. nice la, doreen! i think hee pans are much flatter than paus :)

  11. Soft fluffy buns... that's so nice!

  12. Hey Mui Mui, these buns look realy soft & fluffy!

  13. mui mui, I better don't make this because I know I can't stop eating too :)

  14. Hi Mui Mui, your hee pan look very soft and fluffy. Beautiful colour too. I love this too and can't stop eating cos it's really very addictive.

    I roll mine like round ball but no need flatten it. After rest 20 mins and steaming it still look a bit round round and puffy.

    Have a nice day.

  15. What lovely hee pan buns! Just love the sunny color that trully brightens up my day! Awesome! ;)

  16. My daughter is 20 years old and she still love to eat this hee ban. Stall always make it pink in colour. Now I am excited reading your recipe using pumpkin. So healthy. Will definitely keep this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Replies
    1. Hi Gwen,
      This' hee ban' is not recommended to be freeze..

  18. Hi Doreen,
    Im so glad to stumble n came across your blog.It is very generous of u to reveal yr precious secret recipes to the public.I have looking for the hee ban recipe for quite sometime. TQ. God bless u n yr family.


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