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Pumpkin angk00...南瓜(红)菇粿...^^

If you know this 'kueh' then you may know that this always comes in bright red colour. Nowadays people are going for healthy choices, which means food that have no colouring, no flavouring, no preservative is better. I agree, I make this pumpkin angkoo instead of the red one....But I sometime don't mind taking the red angkoo...:p.
你喜欢吃这种红菇粿吗? 通常在市面看到的都是大红色的所以叫红菇粿....呵呵..那就来个改变做黄色的. 叫金菇粿是用南瓜做的. 天然的色素,大家都强调健康不要色素, 不要添加剂, 不要防腐剂. 我认同但时候还是喜欢红菇粿. 红代表吉祥如意嘛.

~pumpkin angkoo......南瓜菇粿~

Ingredients for skin...皮料:
200g glutinous rice flour...糯米粉
2 tbsp oil...大匙食油
100g steamed pumpkin...蒸熟的南瓜
1 tbsp sugar...大匙糖
100ml water...水

150g split green bean ,soaked overnight...绿豆片,浸隔夜
2 tbsp oil...大匙食油
80g sugar...糖

To do:
1) Combine all ingredients and mix into a pilable dough. Cover with a piece of damp cloth and rest for 10 minutes.
2) filling: Steam the split green beans until soft. Remove and mash into paste while still hot. Add in remaining ingredients and mix well.

1) 皮料: 将全部材料搅拌成不黏手的面团, 用湿布盖好休息10分钟.
2) 馅料: 绿豆片放进蒸笼里大火蒸软, 取出压烂, 加入其他材料拌均匀.

~split green bean filling....绿豆馅料~

3) Divide skin dough into 25 portions. Wrap skin with filling, shape into oval and press into angkoo mould. Knock out the dough and put on a piece of greased banana leaf.

3) 皮料分成25份, 然后包入馅料, 做成球状按入模中, 敲出放在抹好油之香焦叶上, 用大火蒸约10分钟.
4) 取出, 抹上一些油就ok了. 

~This is the shape banana leaves...greased before put the knock out dough on...

4) Steam angkoo over high heat for 10 minutes or until cooked. Brush with some oil. Remove and serve.

~This is the steamed pumpkin angkoo, don't be shy, please take one...金瓜菇粿熟了..快来吃...;)

**Recipe is adapted from Yum Yum magazine volume 67..pg43.
It is a Pumpkin and green bean dumplings but I make a little changes.
**食谱是来自 新新饮食双月刊...第67期..原本是南瓜豆泥椰丝粿, 我自己做了小小的变身.



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